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Smoking in pubs

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Originally posted by ianmitchell

I completely disagree that smoking should be banned in pubs.


I mean if you dislike smoke that much then don't go to a pub!


Pubs are just about the only public indoor places where you are allowed to smoke! Plus you can have smoking and non smoking areas in pubs so wheres the problem. You should be free to smoke really.


(btw I don't smoke :P)


That's what you think. If you worked out how much of other people's smoke you had breethed in over the years you would be unpleasantly suprised.


73% of the British public are non-smokers yet less than 1% of British pubs are non-smoking. How can this be fair, or have anything to do with 'free choice'?

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Originally posted by ianmitchell

yeah but why should smokers be banned from pubs. Think about places where they are allowed to smoke indoors? Not many places! If you are that sensitive to smoke then don't go to pubs or if you do then sit outside!


They wouldn't be. They would just be banned from smoking in the pub. What they did elsewhere would be up to them. It is not about judgeing minority lifestyle choices, but simlply protecting the majority from a life threatening danger they do not seek.

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Originally posted by PuressenceUK

I think my solution would make everyone happy Sid. Save you from the horror of fag smoke, and save me from the horror of not going to the pub anymore.


I suppose the landlords would have to issue Michael Jacksonesque face masks to the bar staff to protect them though.

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Or easier still employ barstaff who smoke in the smoking allowed pubs?


In all the pubs I frequent all the barstaff and landlords smoke so where's the issue? The non-smoking pubs could employ non-smokers. It's all about freedom of choice here.


Blimey Charlie, it's still not hard is it?

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Originally posted by PuressenceUK

Give landlords the choice of how they want to run their pub, that's what 3 landlords told me they wanted when the same question was asked of them at the weekend.


Nanny state again (*bangs head against wall*)


And the day any 'get on my soapbox about this' anti-smoking whingers stop driving cars and giving kids asthma is the day I might consider not contributing to your lung cancer. Let's have non-smoking pubs for the non-smokers, smoking pubs for the smokers and people wo couldn't care less can go in both. There, everyone's happy.


Not hard is it?


So why hasn't this happened already? Landlords have always had this choice yet hardly any have chosen to make their pubs smoke free. What makes you think they will suddenly start doing so now?

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They probably won't, which is why the government instead of introducing a blanket ban, should force local councils in association with the main brewing chains to have a 50/50 mix of pubs with smoking and non-smoking policies.


All the people who now hate going to pubs cos of the smoke would fill the nice new nicotine free alehouses, and the smokers get to hurry up their demise in the smoky ones.


This improves business all round as you're not losing the smokers business, and you're gaining lots of new customers in the smoke-free bars.

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Tim Martin (the boss of the Wetherspoon chain) is one of those supporting a ban on smoking in pubs, but he says it would be commercial suicide for just one chain to ban it...I would guess that its because the landlords realise that the majority of people who don't smoke don't think about the health risks when they go to the pub and don't think about the long term effects they are going to suffer from breathing in other people's smoke.



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It will happen I am sure of it and I personally don't think it will harm trade..as with most things people will get used to it and before you know it it'll be the norm. Everyone always causes a stir when new legislation comes into force but its soon forgotten. It can only benefit the majority of the population and make public places more pleasant to be in. At the end of the day thats what its all about. Fair enough at the moment smokers have a right to smoke where they want but you make mine (and others) experience in being there uncomfortable..just like it would if you were eating and I let off every 5 minutes in your face. I don't think ANYONE has a right to put my health at risk even if it is in a public place.

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I don't know what will happen here, but i spoke to someone from enviromental health who thought that smoking in pubs will be banned within the next three years.


Don't know how reliable that claim is, although i understand there is a large movement within the government to get it banned in all public places... you never know.


Banning smoking would certainly open up some beds in the hospitals.

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