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Smoking in pubs

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You remember Roy Castle, don't you? He of Record Breakers fame? Killed by lung cancer, which he attributed to inhaling 'second hand smoke'.


Roy Chubby Brown has not long since been treated for 'Throat Cancer' and its belived that passave smoking was a cause.

if im not mistaken, Roy Chubby Brown is a non smoker.


this dosent supprise me tbh, a lot of the venues he has performed at dont have a 'No Smoking' rule.


Like i have mentioned in an earlier post, the only real solution would be to ban smoking all together.

what is the wors that could happen?

you would get all the smokers (inc myself) annoyed for a few months.

but i think the majority of smokers would welcome a complete ban, after all trying to kick this habbit is not always easy, everyones 'will power' is diferent and its a lot harder for them to resist, especially when they sell ciggarettes in most places.


and as for those Nicotine patches, have you seen the price?

maybee now passive smoking is on the increase,

it would be a good idea to give Nicotine patches to smokers for free, just like they have with Condoms in order to prevent 'unwanted babies, sexual transmitted desieses.

just an idea! ;)

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Originally posted by Nu_Skillz

Like i have mentioned in an earlier post, the only real solution would be to ban smoking all together.

what is the wors that could happen?

The bootleggers and smugglers make a fortune and the government receives nothing in tax.


Chris. 3 days without a fag. :D

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Originally posted by slimsid2000

There seem to be various myths and red herring put about by the pro-smoking lobby (eg FORREST etc).


They like to give the impression that smokers pay more in tax than non smokers do, yet if you look at taxes as a whole the average non-smoker pays more. This is because the higher up the income scale you go the less likely people are to smoke. So much for the argument that smokers are somehow buying a right to smoke where they like because of tax paid. In reality, the people who pay most tax are the ones whose rights are being ignored.


Secondly, it is highly spurious to say trade will be lost in pubs etc if smoking were banned/non-smokers protected (whichever way you like to view it). There has been no loss of trade at Meadowhall since they banned smoking. Also, if it is introduced in all pubs, hotels etc then trade cannot go from one place to another.

i thought there was a smoking area set aside at meadowhall :loopy:

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Lets be fair, are there any smokers here that honestly love smoking? is there anyone that doesn't ever want to give up?


if you accept that you will one day give up. then you must also accept the fact that it's a horrible habit. if you accept that then you must accept that non smokers have a right not to experience our smoke.


Anyone agree?

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Draggletail, that's a good thing to hear. I've managed 5 weeks and i'm made up. if i ever end up smoking again, i'll hate myself. I can't wait to cal myself a non smoker so I can argue genuinely against smoking in public places.

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there are arguments for banning it completely. But that is the nanny state at it's worst. As long as it doesn't harm me I see no reason why rational adults shouldn't be allowed to poison themselves as they wish.

Banning it would only create a massive illegal market for cigarettes anyway and loose the tax revenue made on the sale. And the people would still be ending up in hospital at the end of it all, better if they've paid for their treatment through the tax in the first place.

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hear hear!


What's to stop them banning other "poisons" then, such as alcohol or cars or the sun (dangerous UV rays) - ?


I am a smoker and would happily pay more to sit in a smoking area at a pub, away from non-smokers. I do not wish to give anyone else any nasty diseases, and know people who have suffered. However, I believe my right to poison myself is still a right. (right?)

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