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Smoking in pubs

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Originally posted by owdlad

Seems as if alls not well with the ban in Ireland.


See this






I hope the landlords concerned get a stiff fine for what they are doing to make an example of them. If they get away with it it will be the thin end of the wedge.

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Originally posted by Sanderson

i agree in theory, but by banning smoking in all public places, such as pubs would be against our rights would it not??


What rights are these exactly? Show me where it says you can smoke anywhere you like and to hell with others. I don't know of any such right in English law.

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That's OK Draggletail, I'll stay here and enjoy warm summers by the pool, cold winters ay the Vermont ski slopes,and think about the Sheffield I knew here in our wide open spaces, not crowded by 55 million people in a place the size of Florida, and guess what ,we'd make you more welcome than you appear willing to welcome an expat.

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You do have the right to smoke, that is not in question. However rights do not make you immune to laws. So if a law was introduced banning smoking in pubs, you'd have to deal with it. As we've mentioned you your right to smoke (i'm getting sick of using that term) is no more important than the majority of peoples 'right' to live in a smoke free environment that doesn't damage their health.


To put it more simply, you are no more important than anyone else! if 75% of the population don't smoke, then it is obvious that banning smoking in public places including pubs/bars, would be in the interest of most people.


Now, if both smokers and non smokers have equal rights (remember, no one is more important than anyone else), then they effectively cancel each other out. So anyone wishing to argue , please forget about rights, that argument is void.


So please feel free to refer to the above facts, and come up with a counter argument, that isn't self centred and based on the fact that you want to smoke so screw everyone else.


I think the argument for banning smoking in public places is pretty watertight. I still consider myself a smoker and have always held the above beliefs. I just respect other people as well as myself.

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