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Does anyone remember "Tony Toms" swfc trainer in 80s


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Ashurst brought Toms to Hillsborough. He was awesome as a trainer - about half a dozen strides to cross the pitch to get to an injured player.


I think it was him who was responsible for the talking the lads out on the moors and making them run back to Sheffield - I remember the famous (locally) Whitworth cartoon in the Telegraph - one sheep saying to the other "I've lived on the moors all my life and I still can't play football" (or something like that).

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tony took no prisoners.He put me on the leg press machine when i was 17, to build up my quads and well i can tell you i had difficulty walking for some time afterwards. Idont think i've ever worked like that in a gym since. A great bloke.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tony Toms used to train Donna Hartley who went on to win Miss Gt britain bodybuilding comp in 1988.He's done allsorts since including bodyguarding Madonna, selling wine etc. He's one of life's great characters & I knew him very well at one time although we lost contact for a while. I know Donna has his phone number somewhere so if I see her I'll ask although I don't think we can put numbers on this websight. Questor.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I'd certainly like to be remembered to Tony, or, better still, be put in touch with him for a chat!


I was the the Commercial Manager at Gillingham Football Club when Tony was there with Len Ashurst. I still have my signed copy of ROYAL MARINE COMMANDO 7 EXCERCISES, a fitness book which he wrote with a guy called Simon Cook.


According to the book Tony was born in Durham in 1945, although I'm not sure if that's to be believed!! You could never tell with Tony, he was always laughing and smiling and it was difficult to know whether he was telling the truth or not!..........Either way he was great company.


If anyone out there gets to see this (and Tony), give him my regards and email address, ken@kbmarketing.co.uk



Ken Boniface

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, happened to run across this post and I can give you an update about Tony. Up until about 3 years ago Tony was living in Charleston South Carolina helping to run the Blind Tiger pub with a friend of his who owned the place. Good pub too! During this time Tony made quite a few trips back to Wales from what I remember, though spent the majority of his time in Charleston. He also became a personal trainer for various local people, and there was rumoured to be a gym on the 3rd floor of the pub, though I never saw it.

Tony has had some health problems so I'm not sure how he is doing these days, he stayed in Charleston about 2 years, and the last I heard was that he had moved to New Jersey with a lady-friend.


Hope this helps!

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