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Another rumour about a park to be sold off by the Council


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It was confirmed to the Friends group before Christmas that I would attend in a telephone conversation that my secretary took from a member of the friends group. I'm hoping that the Director of Parks and Countryside will be able to attend as well.

I don't have any problem in attending meetings - I'd much rather talk to people face to face and listen to their concerns than rely on letters/ emails.

There were a few “ coincidences” which came to light during the early stages of forming a Friends Group of Richmond Park.


The “Misunderstandings” of the Green Space Spokesperson on Wednesday 29th Nov. meeting who said “the only way forward to fund improvements in Richmond Park would be to sell part of the park which would release 106 monies”. 106 monies releases a small percentage back into the area, whilst the council would reap a substantial cash flow from any sale of land..


Cllr’s conversation at the meetings and in private conversations to individual members of the friends group have only fuelled the speculation of building, eg. Green Space Spokesperson when asked about the areas concerned to be sold off: Replied: “The Field and a Thin narrow strip down Normanton Hill..

Exact Areas that were related in a telephone call before the meeting on the 6th Nov… This was a Cllr’s personal opinion that he would not be against a little building. He later confirmed that he would not be against building at the meeting held on 29th Nov.. He also stated that he was not aware of any plans to sell any part of Richmond Park..


Cllr’s conversation with one member regarding the fact that if development went ahead this would mean added security by new street lighting and Anti Social Behaviour would be reduced by the fact that they would be overlooked..


Also it was stated by a Woodthorpe Development worker (at the meeting held on the 29th Nov) that City School in 4 years time was earmarked to be built on the bottom fields and nearer to the park? Is this a misunderstanding as well!


Then the surface of the memo which prompted the petition which raised 236 signatures in less than 24hrs. The petition requested that the council guarantee no such sale will take place in the Areas Known as Richmond Park.. It also requested that Richmond Park be protected and brought up to the standard of other district parks.


We thank Cllr Lodge for his response confirming that Richmond Park is not to be sold. However we find his post regarding the transcript and original memo confusing. We would appreciate a map of the exact boundaries of Richmond Park and the Plans for the Areas Know as Richmond Park which includes the “Cornfield”, to be made available for the “Friends of Richmond Park” meeting to be held on Wednesday 24th January.


Could it be that we have been dangled a carrot by the council, in the hope that we would seize the 106 monies which would be created by the sale of land?

Or are they also just misunderstandings?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just like to say “ Thanks” to those of you who have posted helpful comments.( Regarding issues of the possibility of development in the Areas Known as Richmond Park). Hopefully clarification should be reached on this matter at the meeting.


The “Friends of Richmond Group” is still in its infancy stage, having yet to elect a full committee and adopt a constitution.

It is with this in mind that I once again post the date, time and venue of the next meeting..


Wednesday 24th January at 7pm.


St. Catherine’s Church Hall,

Corner of Richmond Rd & Hastilar Rd South,

Opposite “Fishponds”.


Kindest Regards


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  • 2 weeks later...
No. At the end of Catley Road, Darnall, there was a car park (I think for the gold course). There were tracks running up and around the hill that looked onto the airport.


This is now known as 70-Acre Hill and is a nature reserve administered by the Darnall Green Spaces Team,based in High Hazels Park.It was the spoil heap left following British Coal's opencasting of the site prior to the building of the airport.It is open to the public,and is home to a wide range of wildlife,which has re-colonised the area at a remarkable rate.The local Park Ranger organises events and volunteering opportunities up there,and Friends of High Hazels Park hold occasional wildlife walks.

For more information,contact the Ranger,Hannah Shaw,on 0114 2434992,or at hannah.shaw@sheffield.gov.uk.

Congratulations on the formation of Friends of Richmond Park.This is my local park,but for a variety of reasons I became involved with High Hazels about 7 years ago,and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.You don't know the half of what you're letting yourselves in for,but you'll enjoy it.If Friends of High Hazels can help in any way,please get in touch with me on 2656900,or paulatinfieldlane@bushinternet.com.

Paul Campbell,Chair,Friends of High Hazels Park.

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Just like to say “ Thanks” to those of you who have posted helpful comments.( Regarding issues of the possibility of development in the Areas Known as Richmond Park). Hopefully clarification should be reached on this matter at the meeting.


The “Friends of Richmond Group” is still in its infancy stage, having yet to elect a full committee and adopt a constitution.

It is with this in mind that I once again post the date, time and venue of the next meeting..


Wednesday 24th January at 7pm.


St. Catherine’s Church Hall,

Corner of Richmond Rd & Hastilar Rd South,

Opposite “Fishponds”.


Kindest Regards



Disappointingly, following the meeting on Wednesday, 24th January, which was attended by three councillors, despite many, many pleas, we have still not managed to find out which pieces of land are going to be the legal boundaries of Richmond Park and which are the areas known as Richmond Park. One of the councillors did at last admit that the "cornfield" belonged to the council and was not part of the park. This has more or less confirmed one of our worst fears that it will be built on and, of course, we now need to find out what other parcels of land belong to the council and are not park land. A map has been promised for the next meeting. We will hold our breath!

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just a note, have you tried to make contact with the Lib Dems. if you are not getting any joy from your local Labour Cllr's. Always helps to concentrate peoples minds if the competition is watching their every move.


The current Lib Dem leader is Cllr Paul Scriven and the Shadow Cab Member for Parks and Greenspaces is Cllr Shaffaq Mohammed. They are both Cllrs for the Broomhill Ward but I am sure they will help if your contact them, that has been my experience give them a call :help::help::help:


Disappointingly, following the meeting on Wednesday, 24th January, which was attended by three councillors, despite many, many pleas, we have still not managed to find out which pieces of land are going to be the legal boundaries of Richmond Park and which are the areas known as Richmond Park. One of the councillors did at last admit that the "cornfield" belonged to the council and was not part of the park. This has more or less confirmed one of our worst fears that it will be built on and, of course, we now need to find out what other parcels of land belong to the council and are not park land. A map has been promised for the next meeting. We will hold our breath!
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just a note, have you tried to make contact with the Lib Dems. if you are not getting any joy from your local Labour Cllr's. Always helps to concentrate peoples minds if the competition is watching their every move.


The current Lib Dem leader is Cllr Paul Scriven and the Shadow Cab Member for Parks and Greenspaces is Cllr Shaffaq Mohammed. They are both Cllrs for the Broomhill Ward but I am sure they will help if your contact them, that has been my experience give them a call :help::help::help:


I wouldn't advise that.Your group is at a very early stage,if it takes off,you are going to need a good working relationship with the council,such as we have at High Hazels.Better not to antagonise them by dealing with the opposition.

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  • 1 month later...
Maybe they're going to put an airport on it!


I was just having a trawl through some of the archival stuff. It stirred my memory of Richmond Park.


I was born and brought up on Richmond Hill Road, which runs down to the park and I recall an evening, during the early 50's when a light aircraft made a forced landing in the park, I can't remember why though. It took off and left a couple of days later. This speaks volumes for the integrity of the kids in those days. If it was to happen now, they would have it away over night.


I also remember, in the war (WW2), about two thirds of the park was fenced off (with iron railings) and used for the growing of wheat. It wasn't restored to recreational use until several years after the war had ended.

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In the woods at the junction of Limb Lane and Hathersage Road there is a derelict mill, I have heard that this building is going to be up for auction in the near future ('cos it's in quite a dangerous condition and the council don't want to be responsible for it). Apparently, to get a good price for it, it will need access, and to do this a chunk of the football fields will have to be included in the price. Can anyone shed any light on this?


Tht's very interesting.There's been too many sports fields lost in that area over the years. The building in question was being used as a store by the council until it was allowed to deteriorate to a degree it became dangerous.

So we have the prospect of it being sold off on the cheap 'cos they wouldn't pay out for basic annual maintenance over the years and apparently we are set to lose some of the playing fields

It'll save money on cutting the grass I suppose. What those playing fields need is levelling, better drainage put in and electricity and shower facilities in an upgraded changing facility

Smacks of what they tried to do at Green Oaks Park at Totley where public space was under threat to allow access for new housing

I'd be very grateful to anyone who can keep me up to date on this matter

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