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How do I become flexible??


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I am looking for a way to become more flexible and I am not too sure of the best way to do this; Pilates / yogo etc?


At the moment I am very busy so the only time I could really do this would be on a saturday morning.


I am very happy to join a class or pay for private tuition.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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My best advice for splits is drink enough vodka until you don't feel the pain...or can remember anything - bad side effects but a small price to pay for that moment of glory.


Anyway, more seriously it just comes down to stretching. Working your muscles just beyond normal reach regularly and without reprise. Find someone/somwhere who/which can give you some stretches (dance class/yoga/pilates/physiotherapist/etc) and then do them every day, or twice a day depending on the effort involved.

Don't do too much too soon and don't expect amazing results immediately.


Remember that age and body type are very big factors in flexibility. Your body stops developing in your mid-teens (generally) so if you're past this date there is a limit to how much you can lengthen the bits and pieces that hold you together, however some lengthening can be achieved and thus you can bend more.


I recommend dance classes, but then I would.


Good luck with it.


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