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Remember white winters?

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I grew up in lodge moor 60s early 70s dont remember a winter with no snow! I remember going out in the blizzards with hardly a soul about just me and my mate Jed equally as daft as me!!that wonderful eerie silence when the snow was swirling round and drift diving!!home soaking wet freezing cold and a smile from ear to ear!!no soddin computers gameboys etc then!!I feel sorry for todays youth they think they have so much but they are actually missing out on life!!and how on earth did we go on with no mobile phone!!horror upon horror we may have to actually call and see someone!!!!!:)

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remember one afternoon in winter - must have been about '76 - the snow started to fall about lunchtime - by 3:30 the town was begiining to get snowlocked and we were all told to go home early. I was working down the 'cliffe at the time - buses had stopped running and everone was walking home. By the time we got into town it was almost a real party atmosphere - all the pubs had just opened but were full and everyone seemed to be making the best of it.


I stopped at a couple of watering holes on the way (The Grapes and The Beehive as I recall - by the time I got home (just near the Hallamshire Hospital) it was almost 7 - my gran, who I lived with at the time, told me that she had been used as a 'staging post' for some of my friends who worked in town and lived at Crookes/Broomhil/Crosspool. They had all stopped off for a warm and a cuppa before setting out to the next base camp


Now that was snow - to cripple a city the size of Sheffield within a few hours - I dont think we have seen weather like that for years.

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I remember as a small girl in 1947 stepping out of our front door and disappearing into oblivion where there should have been steps.

Is anyone else old enough to remember that winter.

I also remember 1963. The buses couldn't run and I was starting a new job and walked from Manor Park to Norfolk Street. When I got there the owner of the shop played hell with me cos I was late.

Well I won't be late home I said as I turned round and walked back.

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1969 it snowed like hell,on Forster Road the snow must have been at least 3 foot high it was great sledging down Boynton Street, oh what great days,all we get now is sodding rain & high winds rubbish.

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1969 it snowed like hell,on Forster Road the snow must have been at least 3 foot high it was great sledging down Boynton Street, oh what great days,all we get now is sodding rain & high winds rubbish.

Hi Blades boy,

I remember it in Hoylandswaine 1979 pylons down and cold,we definitely have global warming.

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I remember cold winters.


That was when lakes froze over and the ice was firm and strong and you could walk or skate on it. I lived in Hull and my way to school was through the nearby park and over the bridge that went over the lake. In the very cold winters we eschewed the bridge and simply walked across the lake.

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It's December the 15th and it's drizzily out there and it's so hot I want to open a window to let some fresh air in and of course cool down... It's depressing that our winters are so warm now :( I'm glad though my childhood during the 80's was filled with good snow years :) Just feel sorry for my kids...

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