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Remember white winters?

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We lived in Totley as kids and remember white winter's well. We would spend all day sledging.Up the white path where the Shepley Spitfire now stands was a steep field and half the kids used to be up there, some with sledges, others with their mums tea tray or an old plastic builder's bag, by dinner time the field resembled the Mont Blanc glacier... great for coming down but then it took the best part of an hour to get back up to the top. Still it was great fun and no one seemed to care that they were wet through and red raw from the cold.

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For all you folk who miss the white winters, we've just come through a freezing rain storm here on Prince Edward Island. The rain turned to ice on the trees and overhead power lines. Down came the power lines due to the weight of the ice on them. Many folk were without power for a week. Here are some pretty photos




And this shows the power lines down:




Be sure to take a look at the Youtube clip (ice storm collection RHS) on the last site.


Winter weather isn't all it's cracked up to be. :)


anne of green gables land do you still get the trees looking like brides in all their blossom

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Yes and lupins by the roadside. but that seems a long way off in February. When the summers do come they are usually good though.:D


we've got crocus and daffodils its true isn't it we're never satisfied we want snow but if we got the sort you get we'd be housebound for the majority of the winter

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we've got crocus and daffodils its true isn't it we're never satisfied we want snow but if we got the sort you get we'd be housebound for the majority of the winter


Crocus and daffodils! Oh my! We get those in May. Another blizzard's on it's way tomorrow. An indoor day watching movies, if the power stays on. :help:

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wow how exciting you realise if we had a forcast like the whole country would come to a shuddering halt what do you do if the power goes ?have you got back up?


some people, many of the farmers, have portable generators. we just sit tight, light candles and wait it out. The real problems with an extended outage are the house getting cold and pipes freezing and freezer loads of food being ruined. if the storm comes with mild temperatures and rain, basements can get flooded because the sump pumps won't work in an outage. I speak from experience on that one. Someone once said "all things in moderation." Applies to snow and rain too. Well, you guys know all about the rain from the floods last yr.

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