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Why do all scrubbers smoke?

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yep it is please continue to smoke in fact i'd like to encourage you to smoke more.

then you can pay more tax than i do - for a change.

and hopefully die sooner. because i assume you smoke in places or areas where non smokers frequent - for now anyway.

As a smoker, your post is laughable, do you think when I smoke I worry about how much tax Im paying or what you are? No. I smoke cos its superb with a pint, If I want to quit I will. Not when no-smokers start getting upset about being fumigated with smoke whilst standing at the bus-stop

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Is it me or everytime we see and hear about the plight of the underclass they all smoke, drink and have about 50 kids... Surely if money is tight the 1st thing to stop should be smoking and drinking. We all have to play the hand we are dealt, the benefit state we live seem to think it's fault of everyone but themselves....


Because as a reasonable generalisation, these people have little 'enjoyments', and one in their life is smoking.


(This coming from a middle-class-student social-smoker)



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As a smoker, your post is laughable, do you think when I smoke I worry about how much tax Im paying or what you are? No. I smoke cos its superb with a pint, If I want to quit I will. Not when no-smokers start getting upset about being fumigated with smoke whilst standing at the bus-stop



"you" night not worry, when GB increase fag prices "most" smokers have a good old moan - or try to avoid the tax!!

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Stinky......granted, but why stupid Cyclone?


Because you're doing something that severely damages your health and has no positive effects to compensate for the plethora of negative ones.


The idea that people enjoy smoking is mostly based on the fact that once you're addicted you actually feel pretty crap when you've not had your hit.

If you hadn't started, or quit, then you'd soon feel just as 'happy' all the time, rather than requiring a nicotine fix just to reach the level most of us consider to be the baseline feeling.

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I will try and explain this again, this is not an attack on SMOKERS I don't care about people smoking, the point I am making is about SCRUBBERS.... Not SMOKERS. SCRUBBERS in my opinion are people who breed 100's of kids, live on benefits with no intention of ever working, moaning about how tough is it to live on the state.... paid for by the workers.. and these people SMOKE... and drink and eat junk food..... SO it's not against SMOKERS.... it's SCRUBBERS that SMOKE.... Is this now clear? and again I stand by my comment that SCRUBBERS breed SCRUBBERS... that is a fact...


let everyone think about that statement before commenting.


Again the working class hero Jaythedon!

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Because you're doing something that severely damages your health and has no positive effects to compensate for the plethora of negative ones.


The idea that people enjoy smoking is mostly based on the fact that once you're addicted you actually feel pretty crap when you've not had your hit.

If you hadn't started, or quit, then you'd soon feel just as 'happy' all the time, rather than requiring a nicotine fix just to reach the level most of us consider to be the baseline feeling.


I could quit right now, not a problem. but I really do enjoy it.

It's my choice, my health, my life why do you care?


I'm not trying to argue with you, I just don't get why non-smokers care about what we do so much.

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I could quit right now, not a problem. but I really do enjoy it.

It's my choice, my health, my life why do you care?


I'm not trying to argue with you, I just don't get why non-smokers care about what we do so much.


I don't care, so long as you don't do it near me.

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