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Why do all scrubbers smoke?

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HI, Im working class and so is my other half. I dont work at the moment as I got made redundant and my other half if the only one working full-time at the mo. I can see why you may be so stereotypical, but not all working class people smoke, either are on benefits or are just scrubbers.


I know a lady who has 3 children she is a very very good mum and is working class and on benefits and a single mother. She does not smoke and is not a scrubber.


Maybe you need to assess you views a little more carefully next time and maybe you wont get such suprising answers, but to be honest I cannot blame people for what they say to you as you view is very niave and uneducated.



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Is it me or everytime we see and hear about the plight of the underclass they all smoke, drink and have about 50 kids... Surely if money is tight the 1st thing to stop should be smoking and drinking. We all have to play the hand we are dealt, the benefit state we live seem to think it's fault of everyone but themselves....


I love the way the braindead post their views on here!!!!


My boss smokes and he takes home a £114,000 salary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, what category will you be now trying to put him in?????? Underclass? Jobless? Scrubber?


I can almost hear the words 'educated, leader, professional, affluent' coming out of your mouth........all you have done with your pointless opinion is make yourself look as stupid as you really are!



Proving someone wrong is the greatest feeling ever - thankyou!

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I love the way the braindead post their views on here!!!!


My boss smokes and he takes home a £114,000 salary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, what category will you be now trying to put him in?????? Underclass? Jobless? Scrubber?


I can almost hear the words 'educated, leader, professional, affluent' coming out of your mouth........all you have done with your pointless opinion is make yourself look as stupid as you really are!



Proving someone wrong is the greatest feeling ever - thankyou!






He's not a drug dealer is he?

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Can people not read? My post says "Why do all SCRUBBERS smoke"... Not all smokers are scrubbers" My post isn't about smoking... It's about all scrubbers seem to smoke. They moan about being on benefits and not being able to afford to buy fresh food, but they all manage to smoke.... The scrubbers can afford money for fags but not food... I do wish some people would read...

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The next step down from proper cigarettes is roll ups ... that's when you've hit rock bottom if all you can afford is hand rolling tobacco.



oh no it ain't, was walking thro' town t'other day and spotted two 'scrubbers' emptying the ashtays outside 'primark' and then smoking the butt ends, now thats rock bottom:gag:

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I love the way the braindead post their views on here!!!!


My boss smokes and he takes home a £114,000 salary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, what category will you be now trying to put him in?????? Underclass? Jobless? Scrubber?


I can almost hear the words 'educated, leader, professional, affluent' coming out of your mouth........all you have done with your pointless opinion is make yourself look as stupid as you really are!



Proving someone wrong is the greatest feeling ever - thankyou!


don't get too worked up, some times (more oft than not) posts are placed for effect, and not ( i hope ) a true reflection of the postees actual views & beliefs


try doing what i do(mostly), take all you read on here with a pinch of salt and join in the fun without getting all steamed up about it:thumbsup:,


but i guess you know that already

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