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Why do all scrubbers smoke?

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smoking is an addiction, there can be many possible reasons why someone might start smoking, peer pressure, stress etc, and then they become addicted. u obviously make no mistakes whatsoever in your life and are obviously perfect, so you wouldnt be able to relate to 'normal' people, who do make mistakes and slip up occassionally, oh superior one


Well said.:thumbsup:

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I get exactly what you mean jaythedon - you're right on both accounts:

1) although it is a massive generalisation, it does seem that the vast majority of scrubbers (love that word!) do smoke;


2) some people on this forum dont read things properly! - they just find any excuse for a rant and/or go off on irrelevnt tangents!


Both sets of people described in 1) & 2) annoy me!!



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Can people not read? My post says "Why do all SCRUBBERS smoke"... Not all smokers are scrubbers" My post isn't about smoking... It's about all scrubbers seem to smoke. They moan about being on benefits and not being able to afford to buy fresh food, but they all manage to smoke.... The scrubbers can afford money for fags but not food... I do wish some people would read...


And I wish some people weren't totally lacking in a) sense and b) common humanity. You're just a total snob.

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I think some people are missing the point that jaythedon was trying to make all those posts ago!


Like I said, it is a generalisation but the point is why do 'scrubbers' spend what little money they have (ie. from their benefits) on cigarettes then feed their (usually above average number of kids) McDonalds and Greggs probably because they're cheap?

Surely the kids' health should come first and any 'spare' cash put towards a healthier diet, new clothes, activities for them, etc. not wasted on fags....


No-one is a 'snob' for saying these things, they are observations - facts in many cases.

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Because the "scrubbers" don't have anything else in their lives, and many of those "scrubbers" do not drink alcohol, many on here do one or the other, and I for one am very offended at your generalisation of people.

Before you start on another dogmatic theory - a few on here know what i do for a living, and I would never judge anyone else for their lifestyle, I like a glass of wine or 3 , and yes i smoke - shoot me now for being a scrubber!

We all have to get on and cope in whatever way we can.......in whatever capacity we choose to live our lives.

Get a grip......

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I disagree. Look at the Queen.


She smokes (well, her sister used to), likes a drink (her mum kept Gordon's in business for a hundred years) and has at least 50 kids.


But is she a scrubber?


Sounds like a scrubber to me.

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HI, Im working class and so is my other half. I dont work at the moment as I got made redundant and my other half if the only one working full-time at the mo. I can see why you may be so stereotypical, but not all working class people smoke, either are on benefits or are just scrubbers.


I know a lady who has 3 children she is a very very good mum and is working class and on benefits and a single mother. She does not smoke and is not a scrubber.


Maybe you need to assess you views a little more carefully next time and maybe you wont get such suprising answers, but to be honest I cannot blame people for what they say to you as you view is very niave and uneducated.




How can she be working class if she is on benefits? Working class people work. I consider myself to be working class because I work for a living. I don't smoke and only drink at weekends.

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How can she be working class if she is on benefits? Working class people work.

No, working class people work when they can work, and claim benefits when they can't thanks to the welfare state. The underclass, for want of a better term, abuse the welfare state because of their lazyness. There is a large difference.

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