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Why do all scrubbers smoke?

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It was a joke.


No it wasn't. A joke is funny; your comment was not funny, therefore, it was not a joke.


The thread is why do SCRUBBERS smoke?


Maybe you're looking into a mirror thinking it to be a window.


if they are not paying into the system and taking out in what ever form they are a scrubber imo


Everyone pays into the system (smokers more so than non-smokers).


Just be grateful that there are people who smoke, as it is those that are keeping your tax burden as low as what it is.

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No it wasn't. A joke is funny; your comment was not funny, therefore, it was not a joke.




Maybe you're looking into a mirror thinking it to be a window.




Everyone pays into the system (smokers more so than non-smokers).


Just be grateful that there are people who smoke, as it is those that are keeping your tax burden as low as what it is.


most of the scrubbers dont buy from shop instead buying from smuggler fags, why do you think we call them scrubbers

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Is it me or everytime we see and hear about the plight of the underclass they all smoke, drink and have about 50 kids... Surely if money is tight the 1st thing to stop should be smoking and drinking. We all have to play the hand we are dealt, the benefit state we live seem to think it's fault of everyone but themselves....


You have to be pretty stupid and selfish to smoke.

I suppose that goes quite well with being a low life pleb. :)

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most of the scrubbers dont buy from shop instead buying from smuggler fags


Yes, of course they do:rolleyes:.


I suppose they do the same for food, clothes, gas, electricity...

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You'd be pretty quick to complain if smokers were not keeping your tax burden artificially low.


I have no UK income therefore I don't have to pay for the idiotic World student games, supersham or the Iraq war.

I wonder if the grabbing cig companies should be made to pay for smoker's funerals.

I'll forward the idea to ASH.

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what a generalisation to make about working class people!


The OP wasn't talking about the working classes. Working class people work.


What has developed since about 1980 is a new social underclass, the permanent non-workers (chavs, neds, doleites, call them what you will).


Gordon Brown often spoke of "hard working families" whereas he was really trying to appeal to hardly working families.


Indeed, many youngsters turned out by modern schools are not just destined to be unemployed, they are unemployable. As Frank Field MP (Labour) puts it:


"We have large numbers of young women who get so little out of school that starting a family is a rational career option, and young lads – too many of them – who cannot bring a wage packet to the table because they are unemployable, and unmarriageable."



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