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Why do all scrubbers smoke?

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You have to be pretty stupid and selfish to smoke.

I suppose that goes quite well with being a low life pleb. :)


I totally agree but the really stupid ones are those who claim that we should all be so grateful for the taxes they pay. We are not. They have the weakest of all arguments when they use taxes as a justification for their ridiculous habit.

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i ndont think smokers are scrubbers being a reformed smoker myself i realised it damegers your health so i stopped and i think the unemployed smoke because they are board haveing nothing eles to do all day:hihi:


it also stops you from spelling correctly

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Its true and a fact of life that the lower classes smoke and drink to excess. Its all down to education and priorities. They have too much leisure time and too much disposable income if they can pay £5 upwards for a packet of cigarettes and blow all their benefit money in the Weatherspoons.
And most of the lower classes vote Labour to excess,and that's just as bad!
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Well James Bond, as well as everyone else appeared to smoke in the 60's, the cigarette adds didn't quite tell you that smoking was good for you, but not far off. You couldn't imagine Daniel Craig slinking around the back of the Ritz to have a quick drag could you?


As an ex smoker of some 50 years of smoking, I never considered myself to be a scrubber, however I recall having to stand in scrubbers ville during a firms bash to have a smoke, I didn't like it one bit.


Well that's my two penneth, for what it's worth.

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I do find smoking disgusting. Its not necessary to survive Etc and you can live without it. That said its your choice to smoke which is everyones right.


What I do find very hard to understand is that I have seen many many parents with kids whos clothes and shoes have seen better days etc. Listened to them saying they are skint etc, but amazingly they can still find £5 or £6 per day to buy a pack of fags. That equates to approx £40 per week.


I have 3 kids and never smoked nor would I - I can think of far better things to spend my hard earned cash on. After all as I say you do not need to smoke to stay alive, in fact its quite the opposite. How many folk may have passed comment on someone that is an habitual drug taker and hooked on them. What is the difference to be honest. People that smoke are addicted in just the same way and thats the point its an addiction. The only difference is that smoking is not a criminal offence.


It makes you absolutely stink, it makes your breath smell, your hair, your clothes everything. It rots your teeth and obviously damages your internal organs. It ages your skin and so on lol


Just my personal opinions and my personal choice not to smoke... Whats the point in it???

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