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Why do all scrubbers smoke?

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can i nominate peacenlove as having the least appropriate user name on the forum? Would trollnhate be bettr?


the thing is AnnElk, i only really post on threads that really wind me up, mainly where there are many undertones of racism, ignorance, arrogance etc. not that i feel i need to justify myself in any way for replying to posters who have the cheek to say such things as people of lower class are "mentally inferior" for daring to smoke or drink on their budget, but just thought i'd let you know why im not applauding these people and why therefore my name may seem slightly ironic. but trust me, i AM all about the peace and love and am involved in lots of volunteering and charity work, so dont judge by what i say to these ignorant idiots who have the cheek to say things that they would never dare say if they were not behind a computer

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I'll amend what I said.


You have to admit though that smoking is the chosen pastime of the uneducated and mentally inferior under 40 years old.


Over 40 and you can be foirgiven for starting when you didn't know any better.

Quite, I can understand somebody in their 50's smoking ... they knew the risks but not to the degree that has become apparent over the past 10 years. I for one know how hard it is to stop, but it can be done if you determined enough. What I can't get my head around is teenagers smoking, now that is stupidity. £5 a packet, £35 a week and so on! The lower social classes smoke because of their social situation, what's the point of trying to better yourself, just sink into benefit trap and become one of the thick and bone idle.

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Actually, I am educated (to a quite high level).


And I haven't succumbed to an addiction that harms not only myself but those nearest and dearest to me, that will potentially take me away from my family and leave them without a husband/father, that makes you stink, and costs a fortune. Therefore I consider myself mentally superior to all smokers, not only for the fact that I never started (wheras smokers did start despite being educated of the risks, and probably through some mentally inferior reasoning like 'my friends all smoked'), but also for the fact that I know they can't stop (mentally inferior).


smoking is an addiction, there can be many possible reasons why someone might start smoking, peer pressure, stress etc, and then they become addicted. u obviously make no mistakes whatsoever in your life and are obviously perfect, so you wouldnt be able to relate to 'normal' people, who do make mistakes and slip up occassionally, oh superior one

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the thing is AnnElk, i only really post on threads that really wind me up, mainly where there are many undertones of racism, ignorance, arrogance etc. not that i feel i need to justify myself in any way for replying to posters who have the cheek to say such things as people of lower class are "mentally inferior" for daring to smoke or drink on their budget, but just thought i'd let you know why im not applauding these people and why therefore my name may seem slightly ironic. but trust me, i AM all about the peace and love and am involved in lots of volunteering and charity work, so dont judge by what i say to these ignorant idiots who have the cheek to say things that they would never dare say if they were not behind a computer




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smoking is an addiction, there can be many possible reasons why someone might start smoking, peer pressure, stress etc, and then they become addicted. u obviously make no mistakes whatsoever in your life and are obviously perfect, so you wouldnt be able to relate to 'normal' people, who do make mistakes and slip up occassionally, oh superior one


Anyone under 40 that smokes knows the risks.


Excuses for starting like 'peer pressue' show lack of initiative and intelligence.


I don't know of any reason why anybody who has stress would start smoking.


But if they choose to start smoking knowing those risks then you have to question their intelligence.


And as millions mange successfully each year to give up smoking, there is no excuse to not give up when you know how bad it is for you, other than being mentally weaker than those that do manage to give it up.

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My flabber is absolutely gasted at these nasty statements about scrubbers.


My dear old Mum [Gawd bless her soul] was a scrubber and proud of it. She'd do the steps every morning, bang on 6 a.m. before the car arrived to take her to the University.[We lived in Cambridge then].She was a senior lecturer in Bio-Physics and Advanced Nuclear Research, which wasn't bad for a woman, before the war.


She smoked 60 Players Full Strength a dayand drank beer and whiskey like a lunatic but it didn't affect her health, mentally or physically.She died aged a 101, trying to reach for a bottle of Haigh's from a high shelf.[Dad's idea]. Dad often said she had the best punch in Cambridgeshire and she was involved in many a good scrap on a Saturday night.


So, please, no more criticism of old scrubbers------the salt of the earth.

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