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If You Are This Man... You Have To Think And Learn To Apologise


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Its a discussion forum, not a notice board.


People 'rant' about little annoyances with traffic and football fans in posts all the time. You could say this threads useful as lots of people now know that Kingdom has gone down hill (from the sounds of it) from what it was a few years back when I was last in.


Thread could have had a better title, though.

kingdoms never been "uphill" has it:hihi:

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I'm the least ignorant and arrogant person you could meet, Troubled Joe. No i dont *assume* you do such things, you just made it seem so normal for men to get their bits oot in a club !


please explain why i make it "so" normal?? at what point do i make it normal? just because i state that it happens often or because i state that the thread originator needs to get a bit tougher cos there are far worse things happening in sheffield?? because neither of these infer that i advocate people exposing themselves.


incidentally, on your myspace page you state that your going to "razor stilletto" soon. i am not sure if you have been before but there are plenty of people that go there that wear next to nothing... and even less, so your either being slightly economical with the truth when you say that you have never seen people exposing themselves, or you have never been to razor before. if it is the latter then i suggest that you dont go.... you will be offended every time you look in a new direction!

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There seems to be a large response of "It happens all the time . . . get over it".


As someone pointed out early in the thread, people get murdered all the time. Are the same people here going to post the same response when there is a thread about a murder.


Yes these type of actions do happen all the time, but it doesn't make it right and it doesn't mean that people won't be offended by such behaviour.

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There seems to be a large response of "It happens all the time . . . get over it".


As someone pointed out early in the thread, people get murdered all the time. Are the same people here going to post the same response when there is a thread about a murder.


Yes these type of actions do happen all the time, but it doesn't make it right and it doesn't mean that people won't be offended by such behaviour.


i think you actually need to read the post properly and understand the context in which that comment was made! as i have already stated.... the bloke actually performed a criminal offence and the lady ought to have gotten the bouncers as it evidently offended her and she should not have been exposed to that.


the comment about "people being murdered" was made in relation to anothers comment of having never experienced such behaviour in the past and that it didnt happen on a regular basis, i was pointing out that that kind of behaviour is a pretty regular occurence in sheffield at the weekend. please before having a dig at people, read what has been said properly.

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Kingdom which is widely recognised as a terrible place where incidents like that and much worse happen each night the place is open.


I was in kingdom on that night, and I hardly ever see any incidents happening.


Was i good night I thought, great atmosphere, great company.


What more could you want?!


Don't judge a book by its cover mate!

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i think you actually need to read the post properly and understand the context in which that comment was made! as i have already stated.... the bloke actually performed a criminal offence and the lady ought to have gotten the bouncers as it evidently offended her and she should not have been exposed to that.


the comment about "people being murdered" was made in relation to anothers comment of having never experienced such behaviour in the past and that it didnt happen on a regular basis, i was pointing out that that kind of behaviour is a pretty regular occurence in sheffield at the weekend. please before having a dig at people, read what has been said properly.


Apologies, the post I made was not intended as a dig towards you - there seemed to be several comments along the lines of "it happens all the time", which it does. I go out most weekends and to be honest this event in question is quite tame compared to some of the stuff you see, and you do just learn to accept / ignore it.


My point was simply that however used to it you get, and I am probably one of the least easily offended people you could meet, that this type of behaviour is still wrong and I think its quite sad that we just accept it as the "norm".

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