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Who's the best BJJ team in Sheffield/area?

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I'm not sure as I'll be collapsing in Liverpool for a week after Christmas services; catching up with sleep and doing some running. Best give John or the wee man Paul a shout (truebjj and Bjjman). Ben Popps is taking the Monday night class now it's well worth getting along. Cheers.

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Ok, to take this a stage further.


I am still not entirely convinced about this sort of training "preparing" a person sufficiently for knives. I do, however, concede the point that it is not always feasible to escape. and hence you would have to stand your ground. Under these circumstances i would generally say give them what they want and then live to see another day.


Many 'natural' instincts to a blade attack are simply not good. Unlearning these in a safe environment and learning the right moves/reflexes will give you a better chance when things are less safe.

Not use of the phrase better chance. Would a better chance of not dying be a good thing compared to no chance?


I think it interesting that this training may give a better chance of surviving. What if it is no longer a knife and you are faced with a gun? Similar to themadrev i have also spent time in northern ireland and have been faced with guns and rifles. Not once did i contemplate anything other than being a yes man.

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2 well known BJJ black belts were walking across london bridge one morning, a mugger armed with a knife tried to steal there wallets.


after a brief conversation with each other in portugeuse, the mugger was left helplessly lying on the floor.(only one of them dealt with the mugger, the other watched)

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Ok, to take this a stage further.


I am still not entirely convinced about this sort of training "preparing" a person sufficiently for knives. I do, however, concede the point that it is not always feasible to escape. and hence you would have to stand your ground. Under these circumstances i would generally say give them what they want and then live to see another day.




I think it interesting that this training may give a better chance of surviving. What if it is no longer a knife and you are faced with a gun? Similar to themadrev i have also spent time in northern ireland and have been faced with guns and rifles. Not once did i contemplate anything other than being a yes man.




If faced with someone armed with a gun.



1) poo your pants

2) Then run.




Run first




No serious, can't see any martial art being effective against someone armed with a gun

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See, when i said i would run and that i didnt know any knife defenses i was flamed. What if you cant run etc. And, like i said, some legitimate points were raised. So i am thinking that with gun crime on the rise (nottingham is the gun capital of the uk and it's only down the road) the points that were raised to me about knife attacks, should also apply to gun situations too. I.e what if you are faced with multiple attackers? What if you cannot run away (wife, kids etc)?


Now in the past, as i have already said, when faced with these situations (which i have in real life) i have been a yes man, been submissive and thankfully "got the hell out of there". I have the same plan for knife attacks. Fundamentally, i do not see a difference between the two. You are faced with a potentially life threatening situation. Both could severly infure you, and you wont necessarily die. I was quite bluntly told i should have a plan (i do, it is to run like *****). What is your plan when you are faced with a gun gentlemen (and ladies)?


How do you train for such a situation? This brings me back to my original point. How can you inject some realism into this type of scenario and still keep it safe enough to practise? Is this a foolhardy pursuit (can you seriously, hand on heart recommend to someone that they should take on a gunman and that the techniques you have shown them are failsafe)?

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Knife defences are not taught so that you can say "no, you're not having my wallet", they are last ditch defences if doing as you were told didn't let you escape unharmed.


If you are convinced that you are going to be killed anyway, then I'd suggest that trying to do something against the gun toting maniac is a slightly better plan than waiting until you're killed. Only slightly mind.

It's all about how you read the situation isn't it. Do they want your wallet, or did you witness a murder and are about to be made to stay quiet, permanently.


Hopefully nobody ever claims that any technique is foolproof, not even BJJ techniques are foolproof are they? The key point isn't whether they are fool proof or not, it's whether they increase your odds of surviving or not.

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2 well known BJJ black belts were walking across london bridge one morning, a mugger armed with a knife tried to steal there wallets.


after a brief conversation with each other in portugeuse, the mugger was left helplessly lying on the floor.(only one of them dealt with the mugger, the other watched)



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With regards to knife defence. We did a bit last night at Jujitsu. Old T-Shirts and Marker Pens.


Everyone was marked all over (i.e very dead indeed).


The bottom line is that you'll probably die if faced with a knife, so just run, or give them your wallet... or bend over (whatever they want) haha :suspect:

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