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Who's the best BJJ team in Sheffield/area?

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How does that make me a weirdo.

They were training against weapons and fluffed it.


Just like in grappling, things get broken/dislocated occasionally.


If you do martial arts, to any level of realism or intent, then people will get hurt on occasions. Good training, warm ups etc will help prevent injury, but if people are fighting.....


An ex girlfriend of mine dropped Judo in favour of this particular martial art with real knives as she was fed up of getting hurt/bones broken. She was very good at Judo BTW. It was usually a much bigger bloke falling on her causing the damage.

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want2learns reason is he is tagged for causing riots. He squirted someone with a supersoaker.


Its not the point of fighting back thats not understood. Its the point of even thinking about it. I think maybe some people have watched a bit too much steven sea gull and have that pumped up feeling of wanting to take on the world right after you've just watched him save it by bending wrists.

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If you do a martial art then not considering what would happen if.... would surely make a mockery of doing a MA in first place. You can't seriously claim to do MA, but say, but I don't that sort of weapon as it's not worth considering, because it may be dangerous.

People die from being punched once, others get stabbed multiple times and live.

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attending a club where they use real knives in gradings is something i find wierd.

You build up to it, slowly. Rubber, wood, steel. You only give live blades to people who know what they are doing. People learn bad/lethal habits if they only train with fakes. A very common mistake is disarming by grabbing blade or letting it hit you whilst doing fancy technique. Seen 3rd Dan [sports] Aikido teachers disarm by grabbing 'blade' of rubber knife.

It's a high grade thing only, done under strict supervision.


i'm aggrophobic. hence why i need to know which is the best club as it will be such an effort to attend i need to know.

I should consider myself lucky then! At least my deadline will pass.

Does the amount of distance to travel affect your decision?

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There was the thread nicely back on topic, then i come along to drag it off again. Sorry guys.


Troyhark, you appear to have taken a shine to me. Perhaps you should buy me dinner after all this flirting. You obviously dig my ****.


Having reviewed the thread it was the man himself who bought in weapons from Waaaay out leftfield (post 44 if anyone's counting).

Then i enter the topic (post 57) and state my opinion (which, as far as i remember i am entitled to).

From my initial posts i stated that these situations, as can any, can be resolved without having to get involved with violence.


(Post 61) you'll find that as an alternative to having to fight against a tooled up opponent i said give them what they want. Check it out. This could be considered negotiating.

Up unitl this point all talk has been about knives. It occurs to me "what about other weapons", "surely knives arent the only threat". Based on my own experiences and knowledge i thought i'd query how all the weapons "experts" would propose we deal with guns.

Again (on post 92) i mentioned about being a yes man (possible negotiating skills..?)



As for gun defences, there are none


So what would you do here other than negotiate? Do you just hope it never happens?

I have been there i know that what i do works.

If you have no back up plan for guns, why is this ok?Yet it's not ok for me to use my methods (which works just fine with guns) for knives too.



No self defence is failsafe. None at all. Against unarmed attackers or those armed with weapons. It simply gives you a better chance than no training. Only a naive person would claim otherwise.

Not sure why this is so difficult to understand.


Again, what about guns? do you have a back up plan?


As for training with guns, you use replicas and if trigger is pulled before you deal with problem, the technique can be considered to have failed. You don't need live ammo to train this sort of defence as it's kind of obvious it hasn't worked.


So, if they dont work, why use them. What are you supposed to rely on between the point where you are regularly getting shot and when you are competent enough to take on billy the kid. Unfortunately crime has a habit of happening at really inconvenient moments. like when you're still rubbish at gun defences.

"excuse me mr robber, can you come back again when i have practised a bit more. thank you. so kind"





Nobody's said you cannot do that.

Which is sensible, but that again is missing the point. Defences against knife attacks are to be used when you have no option. i.e. you are actually being attacked, you cannot run, talking isn't going to work.

MA has been mentioned as a last resort, not a first option.



Nobodies doing any ramming, explaining maybe. And I don't recall anybody suggesting anyone should take on an armed attacker. The general line has been if you train against a variety of attacks you will be better equipped than someone who hasn't if it comes to the crunch. Karate people will tend to come unstuck if grappling is involved for instance.


Still got a hard on for knives here.


As for not ramming... Really?! seems to me that you cannot accept with my choice of gameplan.

Ever considered an organised religion. The mormons could do with someone with your staying power and inability to let someone have their own opinion.





All 3 points are wrong.

1]Some weapons trump others, so they are most certainly not equal. Given a choice between defending against a knife and a baseball bat and I'd go for the wannabie Babe Ruth.

2]Have you even trained with weapons?

3]Really! Try and explain that to a suicide bomber or a mentally ill patient off his meds or someone on Angel Dust or even an aggresive drunk.


1) treat all weapons as high risk and refer to my gameplan. If i chose to talk someone round and it works, why does this cause you so much anguish? i can be one charming muthe****3r when i choose to be.

2) why is this so important. i train no-can-do, the ancient english martial art. Mediation skills are just as relevant here.

3) Seriously, you are clutching at straws here. Why would a suicide bomber be wanting a tussle with me. Surely he has bigger fish to fry.

Lets be fair, we could dream up "what if" scenarios all night to try and out do each other. and i have a much better imagination.





How does that make me a weirdo.

They were training against weapons and fluffed it.


Just like in grappling, things get broken/dislocated occasionally.


If you do martial arts, to any level of realism or intent, then people will get hurt on occasions. Good training, warm ups etc will help prevent injury, but if people are fighting.....


An ex girlfriend of mine dropped Judo in favour of this particular martial art with real knives as she was fed up of getting hurt/bones broken. She was very good at Judo BTW. It was usually a much bigger bloke falling on her causing the damage.


Training against weapons and fluffed it?! Then these people go out into the street ready to take on someone who is tooled up? Awesome plan


As for grappling injuries, most cases are not "fluffing" techniques. It is down to the person to whom the technique is being applied not tapping soon enough. Perhaps testing their threshold.




Enjoy the evening read:)

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You remind me of a student called Soft Bob [there was a hard Bob too]. If you showed him how to defend against a punch he would say what about if he has a stick? If you taught him about defending against a stick, he'd say 'what about if he a stick in both hands?', when he leaned about defending against a chain, he'd say 'but what if he was wearing a blue tracksuit and had a chain and two sticks?' You would have to explain, when you have learned this move, then you can move on to the next technique.

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