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Who's the best BJJ team in Sheffield/area?

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You remind me of a jehovas witness. Turn up at your door, to talk to you about something you're not interested in. You explain to them you arent interested. They keep going. They dont listen to your point of view and keep telling you theirs. Over and over again zzzzzzzzzzz. It is a one way conversation.


They eventually leave my door and my opinion is the same as it was before they came.


Pray with me brother.


incidentally, was he called soft bob because he could only get a semi when you cupped him?

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You remind me of a student called Soft Bob [there was a hard Bob too]. If you showed him how to defend against a punch he would say what about if he has a stick? If you taught him about defending against a stick, he'd say 'what about if he a stick in both hands?', when he leaned about defending against a chain, he'd say 'but what if he was wearing a blue tracksuit and had a chain and two sticks?' You would have to explain, when you have learned this move, then you can move on to the next technique.



kind of off the subject, instead of complicating the matter as soft bob did, fingercuffs is actually simplifying. 1 set of rules for every encounter.

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From my initial posts i stated that these situations, as can any, can be resolved without having to get involved with violence.
Not always, which is the point that completely escapes you.


So what would you do here other than negotiate? Do you just hope it never happens?

I have been there i know that what i do works.

If you have no back up plan for guns, why is this ok?Yet it's not ok for me to use my methods (which works just fine with guns) for knives too.

Why do you think I wouldn't negotiate? I never said otherwise.



Again, what about guns? do you have a back up plan?

This is a dumb comment. If I had the best defence in the world you'd simply say, 'what about mortars or cruise missiles?' and then that would discredit any gun/knife/cosh..... defences too by your oddball reasoning.



Still got a hard on for knives here.

Not at all. I have no interest in defending against them.

But if I have no option, unlike you I won't assume I will die and give up.


As for not ramming... Really?! seems to me that you cannot accept with my choice of gameplan.

Ever considered an organised religion. The mormons could do with someone with your staying power and inability to let someone have their own opinion.

How stupid are you? My plan of action is

1]not get into situation in first place

2] get out of situation if it develops

3] if I'm stuck, try talking my way out

4] if all else fails and I'm physically attacked [and only then]then I will use any skills I have to the best of my ability

You are the crazy zealot who keeps insisting on something that's not true so comparing me to mormons and jehovahs witnesses is deeply ironic. You have been quite dogmatic in this thread, not me.


1) treat all weapons as high risk and refer to my gameplan. If i chose to talk someone round and it works, why does this cause you so much anguish? i can be one charming muthe****3r when i choose to be.
Not tonight obviously! :P Talking your way out causes me no anguish. Not sure why you think this. Is it because you don't actually bother to read all the words in a post.


Seriously, you are clutching at straws here. Why would a suicide bomber be wanting a tussle with me. Surely he has bigger fish to fry.

Lets be fair, we could dream up "what if" scenarios all night to try and out do each other. and i have a much better imagination.

He probably wouldn't. But the suicide bomber and the other far more likely examples you convieniently ignore, were to counterpoint your bizarre claim 'everyone is negotiable with'. Simply not true. the likelyhood of any particluar attacker is not relevent.



Training against weapons and fluffed it?! Then these people go out into the street ready to take on someone who is tooled up? Awesome plan
Missing the point once again, they aren't ready and they are taught not to try it out unless they have no choice.


As for grappling injuries, most cases are not "fluffing" techniques. It is down to the person to whom the technique is being applied not tapping soon enough. Perhaps testing their threshold.
Nonsense, lots of injuries occur through mistakes, stumbles, inequality of partners in strength and weight, struggling and something giving - turning over to escape and wrenching. Never seen anyone break through unwilingness to tap, though it may well happen with the more meat headed grapplers. Seen all the others.

Last incident I can recall, was a broken wrist in groundwork where the injured turned with someone else on his back and put both their entire body weights thru his wrist joint.


So, if they dont work, why use them. What are you supposed to rely on between the point where you are regularly getting shot and when you are competent enough to take on billy the kid. Unfortunately crime has a habit of happening at really inconvenient moments. like when you're still rubbish at gun defences.

"excuse me mr robber, can you come back again when i have practised a bit more. thank you. so kind"

This is one of the dumbest reasons not to learn self defence I have ever heard. Are you simply a troll, deliberated misreading and spouting nonsense for the sake of it?

And if techniques don't work I wouldn't use them.


As you seem to think you can negotiate your way out of any violent conflict.:loopy: I wil more than gladly pay for you to go to Iraq and chat to the militia there. I will even pay for you to learn Arabic first, so there will be no misunderstanding through language barriers.

And until you can read a post without taking it to mean something other than what is said. I shall ignore your illogical ramblings. As for the pathetic gay jibe, grow up.

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kind of off the subject, instead of complicating the matter as soft bob did, fingercuffs is actually simplifying. 1 set of rules for every encounter.

No he did exactly the same. The conversation was about defending against knives. Figercuffs starts woffling on about guns and how would you defend against them. Going from a close range weapon like a knife to defending against a long range weapon is complicating thing. It's the irritating, 'yeah but what if your oponent was sitting on an elephant armed with a bazooka?' comment you get from a begiiner when teaching some one to avoid a punch.

He is being simple however, in thinking one size fits all.

But as FC seems to be an illiterate troll I shall now ignore him.

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