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Who's the best BJJ team in Sheffield/area?

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Hi Shoojiki


Our classes over xmas are off, 22nd, 26th and 29th Dec. All other classes run as normal.

Hope to see you soon.

Have you trained with us before ???






hey lotar


No I have'nt trained you before, Im a member at greens and all ways plan to make it down but never do. I'll try and make it down in the new year then, have a good one.



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To be honest, I don't think many of the people on that video would have been dead - I'm not saying any of them were at an amazing standard either, but they seemed to be able to defend themselves - any violent encounter with a knife will involve cuts no matter how good you are, the trick is to not get cut fatally.

Being stabbed in the kidney repeatly, which happens in either the first or second attack is what I'm referring too. After this they still manged to wrestle for a while!

Very few of them tried to control weapon, so anything but good defending in my books. The quality was poor and people a bit small on screen to see knife in some encounters, but it really didn't look good for the defenders.

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it didn't look good at all. Knife defences are a waste of time. Any decent instructor will tell you to always reason with an attacker (if possible) first. However, the only time this isn't gonna be possible is if somebody comes up and stabs you in the back while you're totally unaware.


This thread has turned into total crap and should be deleted. Its gone totally off topic and to my reckoning is now just troyhark saying knife defences work to everyone else telling him they don't.


I only have one question for troyhark: if confronted with a knife attack by someone who doesn't know what they're doing with a knife and just wants to stab you are you 100% sure you would defend yourself from being stabbed??


I'm willing to go out on a limb and say that any average joe that doesn't know what they're doing but wants to attack me is gonna be left asleep on the pavement with an imprint of my shoe on the back of their heads.


I personally think the best defence to someone coming at you with a knife in front of you is a really hard kick in the knackers. I'd also fancy a thai boxer to do better against an armed attacker a lot more than an aikedo practitioner. Flame away.

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To say knife defense training is no good is a a funny comment to make. John Machado is involved in our association and thinks very highly of our knife training.

I train in Thai and BJJ, both excellent sports , but in this day and age you have to cover weapon defense.

I have never trained in Aikido so can not comment on there training.

I agree this has gone off topic by the way.



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Being stabbed in the kidney repeatly, which happens in either the first or second attack is what I'm referring too. After this they still manged to wrestle for a while!

Very few of them tried to control weapon, so anything but good defending in my books. The quality was poor and people a bit small on screen to see knife in some encounters, but it really didn't look good for the defenders.


Yeah, fair enough, rewatched it, maybe they'd be dead. Maybe I'm not going to pick fights with knife wielding maniacs for a while. I watched this sort of documentary thing called fight science yesterday, anyone seen that? Quite cool.


P.S. agree with the thai boxing vs aikido thing, although I'm sure there are amazing aikido people and crap thai boxers too - but on average, yusyus.

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SO, going back to the origional thread.


We need the merits of the individual BJJ clubs in the area, ie


which are the best for contests


which is the best for people who want to train and not take it too seriously,


and which one is the best for people who want a black belt in 3 months.


Which one is the best for a laugh, ie, where behavior such as farting is not frowned upon.

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Thankfully we are starting to realise that TOYHAWK is the real troll here.


This thread was started about bjj. toyhawk, bought up weapons (knives specifically), then i mentioned guns, then toyhawk totally looses the plot and starts waffling about suicide bombers like the insane ramblings of an old man with early stage alzheimers.


If toyhawk thinks he's having a hard time, perhaps he should re-read the thread title. I mentioned previously that the only reason i looked at this thread was because bjj was mentioned. When i read it i couldnt believe my eyes because people were talking about knife defences.


Whether i or other people think knife defences are a good idea, is entirely up to ourselves.

Maybe, if you want to talk about knives, start another thread. It's quite easy. I can assure you i wont even read it, let alone take the ****.


i went to toyhawks knife defence class with a female friend the other night. I wasnt allowed to take part because it was a womens only self defence class. I was allowed to film it though. Here it is incase you're interested. I think it's clear to see, he really knows his stuff






So, bjj.... an interclub would be quite a cool idea. or maybe an open mat type get together?

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