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Who's the best BJJ team in Sheffield/area?

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Cagn4y didn’t you say you trained bjj:confused:


If there instruction wasnt up to standard do you think the black belts that assess them, who represent the largest bjj team in the world and personally answer to Carlos Gracie jn would allow them to continue to teach? Progression comes from technique, talent and teaching ability you train bjj don’t you know this??????


Every two weeks 50% of the classes at Gracie Barra are taken by a world-class black belt.


Now you and your friends train bjj how often do you train with a black belt, world champ out of interest?


These are facts that cant be argued, no my dads bigger than your dad.


of course there instruction is up to standard, i didn't question their teaching ability, and - it was up to standard when they were blue belts also, which wasn't very long ago...


ones ability on the mat does not = ones ability to convey technique. this has nothing to do with bjj, it has to do with teaching - if you want two purple belt instructors, go to Gracie Barra, if you want black belt instructors one per fortnight or whatever, go to Gracie Barra, but if you want an instructor who can teach you in a style which you're able to learn, then try each club and see what feels better for you.


so when you refer to purple belts and blackbelts, you're stating fact, when you imply in any way that that makes for better instruction, you're stating a subjective opinion that you can't substantiate by reasoned argument or examples, which i gave in a previous post.


blackbelt does not equal good teacher, best practitioner in the world at your chosen event does not equal best teacher in the world at your chosen event...


chefkicker's opinion might seem ill-informed to you re: BJJ, but everyone is going to think people's opinions are ill-informed, like yours on teaching, for example...it seems to me no one is seriosuly putting a case across for either club, only those people who don't seem to train at them...


once per fortnight, much like many other people covered by Gracie Barra north, but as mentioned before, the best instructors I'VE had aren't blackbelts...

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it didn't look good at all. Knife defences are a waste of time. Any decent instructor will tell you to always reason with an attacker (if possible) first. However, the only time this isn't gonna be possible is if somebody comes up and stabs you in the back while you're totally unaware.


This thread has turned into total crap and should be deleted. Its gone totally off topic and to my reckoning is now just troyhark saying knife defences work to everyone else telling him they don't.

So what's your plan? Try to negotiate, if that fails just die?


I only have one question for troyhark: if confronted with a knife attack by someone who doesn't know what they're doing with a knife and just wants to stab you are you 100% sure you would defend yourself from being stabbed??

Does something have to be 100% before it's better than 0%? At the moment if you're negotiate fails you're down to 0%, troyhark might be down to 50% success at that point. I know which odds I'd prefer


I'm willing to go out on a limb and say that any average joe that doesn't know what they're doing but wants to attack me is gonna be left asleep on the pavement with an imprint of my shoe on the back of their heads.


I personally think the best defence to someone coming at you with a knife in front of you is a really hard kick in the knackers. I'd also fancy a thai boxer to do better against an armed attacker a lot more than an aikedo practitioner. Flame away.


So you're theory now is that without ever doing any training against knife attacks you're better able to defend yourself than troyhark, who has at least had someone attack him with rubber, wooden and real knives at some point in training?

Seems a little bit like hubris to me.


Actually I just finished reading the 2 pages after the post I quoted. Feel free to ignore me as the knife stuff seemed to have gone to sleep before I posted this.

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Having said that if someone from BJJ got attacked by someone with a weapon they would probably do poorly compared to someone who trained with weapons. Every martial art specialises/has biases and as a result has strengths but also weaknesses.
from Troy Hark above.


Just been reading Renzo Gracie who says that, in terms of self-defence, all BJJ claims is that it can help you to defend yourself against a single weaponless opponent. Isn't it nice to hear realistic claims made in the martial arts instead of the ridiculous statements many arts make of being able to defend yourself against weapons and/or multiple attackers?


This was the first post to mention weapons. It's sad, but I went and checked.

Maybe if themadrev had managed to not insult any style that does any weapons defences at all by claiming that they were ridiculous then the whole sorry 11 page argument about knife defences could have been avoided.


Some lesson about respecting other arts, and only talking about things you have relevant experience in there I think.

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I think the real lesson we can all take away from this thread is:don't pit two clubs or styles against each other. It doesn't gain anything, everyone ends up falling out and most importantly, it probably put a looooadddd of forumistas off joining in martial arts.



p.s gracie barra sucks!

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I think the real lesson we can all take away from this thread is:don't pit two clubs or styles against each other. It doesn't gain anything, everyone ends up falling out and most importantly, it probably put a looooadddd of forumistas off joining in martial arts.



p.s gracie barra sucks!


that too. A lot of people had responded saying that the OP should try both and decide for themself, which I think is a pretty fair comment.

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I think the real lesson we can all take away from this thread is:don't pit two clubs or styles against each other. It doesn't gain anything, everyone ends up falling out and most importantly, it probably put a looooadddd of forumistas off joining in martial arts.



p.s gracie barra sucks!


this is soooooo true! either it could put people off starting altogether, or put them off a particular club...


if people are shouting out about how good their club is then that maybe fine, but when it comes how good my club is versus your club it can sound conceited and put people off attending the so-called 'better' club...


try everything you're interested in, see hoe the venue suits YOU, how the teaching style suits YOU, how the class size and amount of 1-2-1 tuition suits YOU, how the atmosphere among member suits YOU, the price, accessibility, bias towards pure sport/mma/self defence/art...and then, decide what's best for YOU, because nothing else really matters!

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try everything you're interested in, see hoe the venue suits YOU, how the teaching style suits YOU, how the class size and amount of 1-2-1 tuition suits YOU, how the atmosphere among member suits YOU, the price, accessibility, bias towards pure sport/mma/self defence/art...and then, decide what's best for YOU, because nothing else really matters!


This is a very sensible opinion. I think that each person should try what they want and choose an art that suits them.


For example, i do NOT give a toss whether people THINK knife defences work or not. I am NOT interested in them. I CHOSE to take this chance despite what people are saying. If i get into a situation with a knife so be it.


I dont see why this is so hard to accept. It is a choice.




For anyone viewing the forum and hoping to read a thread about BJJ i think it is about doing your research. Decide what you want to gain from a club. It could be regular exposure to tournaments, or it could be that you want a club that can provide access to experts such as seminars with world champions on a regular basis.

Having trained with a Royce Gracie club in the past and there were only a couple of seminars with the man himself per year (3 max per year).

Whereas gracie barra is a larger organisation with a strong team ethos and this means that the black belts and world champs are happy to travel and share knowledge.

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