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Again, straying from the point. This thread is no more about german, than it is about the knives you brought up or the suicide bombers. Yet you are the person talking about being rational.

Well did you type this just to demostrate your lack of reading skills/stupidity?

I actually said in the post - BTW - the Language example is an analogy [go look it up] and not to be taken literally. And quelle surprise, you took it literally.

You are completely without merit it seems and you seems to be farting online continually - to address mini_cooper's point. I'm sure you stink dojo out too.

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The irony still escapes you doesn't it?


You are on here going through my posts and doing your best to pick them apart to try and score points. Yet you are inherently wrong because you have chosen to get arsey with me about my opinion on knife defences. An opinion i am perfectly entitled to. The reason you are inherently wrong is because you have chosen the wrong thread. Yet you are clutching at straws by trying to insult my communication skills. The irony, and i'll spell it out to you, is that if you just READ the thread title you will see that you are barking up the wrong tree.


Now i have started a thread on weapons for you. To try and stop you hogging this thread, but for some reason you are drawn to me and cannot leave it alone. The reason being, if you actually discuss weapons on the thread i have created, no one will read it because it is pretty lame actually. And you are afraid that you wont be able to flirt with me anymore, so you have to keep pulling my pigtails (that's a metaphor, i learnt about them at school and i thought it would impress you. Although i dont think i need to iimpress you because you already like me so much)

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Well did you type this just to demostrate your lack of reading skills/stupidity?

I actually said in the post - BTW - the Language example is an analogy [go look it up] and not to be taken literally. And quelle surprise, you took it literally.

You are completely without merit it seems and you seems to be farting online continually - to address mini_cooper's point. I'm sure you stink dojo out too.



Well done on the edit a good 5 mins after my post, selectively removing any evidence of me mentioning anything about an analogy. I mean, it wouldn't have done anything for your point if you'd left it as it was. But feel free to quote me and adjust what i say to fit your argument if it helps.

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The irony still escapes you doesn't it?


You are on here going through my posts and doing your best to pick them apart to try and score points.

It's called debate, besides it's not exactly hard as they are Emmenthal like in contruction.

Yet you are inherently wrong because you have chosen to get arsey with me about my opinion on knife defences. An opinion i am perfectly entitled to.
People got annoyed with your illiteracy, not that you have a different opinion

The reason you are inherently wrong is because you have chosen the wrong thread. Yet you are clutching at straws by trying to insult my communication skills. The irony, and i'll spell it out to you, is that if you just READ the thread title you will see that you are barking up the wrong tree.

You asked for info on knife defences "I am genuinely interested" or are you conveniently ignoring that gaping hole in your argument. You were given rational answers which you then misread. What seems to have escaped your tiny little and all too literal mind, is that a thread is a conversation. Conversations meander [esp. when original topic is tired] and anyone who uses Off Topic as a trump card, esp when they helped drag it OT as the sole rational for winning argument is a bit lacking in debating skills.

Now i have started a thread on weapons for you.
So even more people can see how woolly headed you are, that's very genourous of you.
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Well done on the edit a good 5 mins after my post, selectively removing any evidence of me mentioning anything about an analogy. I mean, it wouldn't have done anything for your point if you'd left it as it was. But feel free to quote me and adjust what i say to fit your argument if it helps.

No selective editing at all. You took analogy literally.

But I will now point out you did read that it was an analogy after all, yet you continued saying it is off topic comment, which only underlines your lack of understanding of what an analogy is. Keep digging.

And the suicide bomber was an example not an analogy, along with the other examples you always edit out, a violent drunk, a drug addict on angel dust, a pyschopath off his meds. All examples of people you cannot talk your way round.

You foolishly claimed to be able to talk anyone around. Therefore not only were the suicide bomber/crazed junkie/drunk/pyscho off his meds, on topic, but simply in reply to your naiive assertion.

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People got annoyed with your illiteracy, not that you have a different opinion

You asked for info on knife defences "I am genuinely interested" or are you conveniently ignoring that gaping hole in your argument.


Firstly, What "people"? Are we talking you and cyclone? That must be what's known as a landslide is it? And are you just conveniently ignoring all the other people who have tried to get this thread back on topic.


Secondly, What illiteracy? Surely if i was illiterate then my posts would be illegible. I guess i'm doing pretty well at guessing where the letters are on the keyboard and how they go together to structure a sentence. i must be one lucky dude. I might give the lottery a bash this weekend.


Thirdly, I have addressed the fact that i was interested. I think if you read a few posts back i stated i was mildly interested to start off with, but then you and cyclone started getting all precious about it. When the topic wasnt even about knives. Then some moron brought suicide bombers into the equation and i lost interest all together.

If we are talking about convenience, perhaps you might like to address why you conveniently side stepped that comment, or are you guilty of not reading my posts either. You also failed to address why you altered my response when you quoted it. But that was pretty transparent as you can see from the times of the revisions that you atered yours a good five minutes after mine.

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You foolishly claimed to be able to talk anyone around. Therefore not only were the suicide bomber/crazed junkie/drunk/pyscho off his meds, on topic, but simply in reply to your naiive assertion.



I'm still here aren't i? So why is it naive to say that i could (and have) talk anyone round. Lets look at the point in case.


You have one opinion, i have another. Through my charm you already love me and wont leave me alone. How do you find it difficult to understand that these charms will work on others. I haven't even tried with you, imagine if i turned it on. you'd be putty in my hands.

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Firstly, What "people"? Are we talking you and cyclone? That must be what's known as a landslide is it? And are you just conveniently ignoring all the other people who have tried to get this thread back on topic.
Several others also thought you were taking out of your posterior. But I doubt you noticed


Secondly, What illiteracy? Surely if i was illiterate then my posts would be illegible. I guess i'm doing pretty well at guessing where the letters are on the keyboard and how they go together to structure a sentence. i must be one lucky dude. I might give the lottery a bash this weekend.
Your continued failure to correctly read other's posts is the issue.


Thirdly, I have addressed the fact that i was interested. I think if you read a few posts back i stated i was mildly interested to start off with, but then you and cyclone started getting all precious about it. When the topic wasnt even about knives. Then some moron brought suicide bombers into the equation and i lost interest all together.
As I said not bering able to read other's posts.

If we are talking about convenience, perhaps you might like to address why you conveniently side stepped that comment, or are you guilty of not reading my posts either. You also failed to address why you altered my response when you quoted it. But that was pretty transparent as you can see from the times of the revisions that you atered yours a good five minutes after mine.
I edited a typo of my own, I believe. I left your quote as I originally posted it.

And I addressed the fact that you do not understand analogies [or rational argument or facts that contradict your warped world view] and that suicide bombers/crazed junkies/violent drunks etc were examples actually. So as you continually demostrate your lack of reading ability, I am declaring you a lost cause and shall ignore your idiotic trolling in future.

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Originally Posted by troyhark

You foolishly claimed to be able to talk anyone around. Therefore not only were the suicide bomber/crazed junkie/drunk/pyscho off his meds, on topic, but simply in reply to your naiive assertion.

I'm still here aren't i? So why is it naive to say that i could (and have) talk anyone round. Lets look at the point in case.


You have one opinion, i have another. Through my charm you already love me and wont leave me alone. How do you find it difficult to understand that these charms will work on others. I haven't even tried with you, imagine if i turned it on. you'd be putty in my hands.

How I wish I could test your [deluded] skills against all my examples. I challenged you a long time back, to go to Iraq and talk the militia there into not beheading you. I suggest you go and do so. Can't say it was nice knowing you.:loopy:
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How I wish I could test your [deluded] skills against all my examples. I challenged you a long time back, to go to Iraq and talk the militia there into not beheading you. I suggest you go and do so. Can't say it was nice knowing you.:loopy:



I accept your challenge. Please send me the tickets. I will also require an expenses account, but for your convenience i will just take your credit card.

I dont really see why they would behead me, but i'm all for a free holiday. I see you are still assuming you know my nationality.

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