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Who's the best BJJ team in Sheffield/area?

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Not very often that i do this but I am going put my bit into this:)


I think the point has been missed slightly and loyalty to clubs my have sneak in slightly. I don’t intent to promote either club but will attempt to spread a little light.


Firstly I think wanttolearn was asking in a round about way where to get the best tuition and as much as you like the club your at lets face it no one who knows anything about the sport would ever argue the credentials of the Black Belts teaching at Gracie Barra, just as no one would question Royce's.




MMA means nothing to this thread what so ever:gag:


Why anyone would bring mma as an argument for someone’s talent at bjj is beyond me, the number one grappler in the world, Roger Gracie has only just competed in mma! Would you choose to question him??



Once a week there is a Black Belt teaching at Gracie Barra Sheffield, both having recieved there Black Belts from Carlos Gracie jn! Train with them as it will be the best training in bjj you will get in Sheffield!! No Contest:thumbsup:

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In response to the first question i think we should all have a royal rumble type event. Then maybe have some tag team matches and then some TLC matches. We all have to grow our hair really long and pump the roids for a bit first.



The thing that makes me laugh about this thread is that i am the first person who actually trains at one of the clubs to post. :hihi:


Know why?!?!?! Cause we don't care who is the best? We all train with our mates and have fun doing it. I train at Gracie Barra because i have massive ties to it and have done for years. (Not just in Sheffield)


This is all a load of b0LL0cks and the people who don't even train bjj have absolutely no opinion. However they are the majority of posters. Unless you have trained at all the clubs in sheffield you don't have a clue what you're talking about.


Shall we all stand in a circle and get our knobs out to see whose is the biggest too. (Think i'd win that one tho) Or get our dads to come out???


It makes me laugh how people hide behind avatars because they are afraid to say things out in the open. Everyone knows who i am and if they don't my name is Paul Cole, i am 22 years old, weigh 64 kg and i'm a purple belt in BJJ. I am the youngest person to be awarded that honour by Braulio Estima (3 time World Champion, 5 time Pan American Champion, and 2006 World Cup champion. He has won major titles at every belt) I am at Gracie Barra's academy all the time and teach there monday nights 6 - 8pm.


Also, to the guy who says that a blue belt cannot teach... thanks for your support of barra but you don't know what you're talking about. A man called Ze Radiola in Brazil was last year voted Gracie Barra's most successful instructor ever outside of Rio de Janiero. He has 10 world champions to date, Braulio being one. He started teaching Braulio when he was himself a blue belt and has taken him and a lot of his friends to gold medals. If you have trained at Barra up until recently you will majorly been taught by a blue belt. A blue belt is not an easy thing to get and it takes a lot of mat time and a decent knowledge of the basic techniques. I respect anyone who ties one around their waist.


Sorry for the rant guys.


PS All BJJ derives from Gracie Barra. Look at the history of it. There isn't a place in the world who's roots don't go back to Gracie Barra Rio de Janiero.

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thanks jon. you have made me look a liar by posting while i was typing my reply.


Your typing skills are obviously far superior to my own. PLEASE..... YOU MUST TEACH ME THE WAY OF THE FAST FINGER ON MONDAY!!!!


PS Is it due to all the tapping you do that you type so fast???? HAHAHAHAHAHA

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Is it just me or did this thread turn in to quite a good one...... i would have put money on fisticuffs by bed time, well done to all involved for being grown up and not making anything personal.


just for the record 3 fighters from RGs have fought MMA and all have won, and in the last BJJ comp 4 out of 6 Barra fighters got medals, but all had tough fights.


so make up you own mind Royce students train at Barra and Barra students train at Royce, we all train together. its how we get so good :hihi:


but Barra students are better looking (we don't get hit in the face):hihi:

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Oh dear!! You will pay for that tiny:thumbsup:


And Gregg you a fart!


Unfortunatly it shows one again the lack of understanding people have that are new to and outside the sport so I second the wee man, if you dont train in the sport or have very little experiance in the sport butt out and let the guys that have a clue what there talkin about just give the facts not personal bias.


Go train at both, make sure you train with Lagarto and Ben as oftern as poss and dont miss a Royce seminar!!!:D

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i'm currently looking for a bjj club to train at in sheffield during the new year, so i've trawled through this and other bjj posts on this forum...


interesting to note that this thread has pretty much been done before, and initiated by the same person...is that person not training at gracie barra sheffield now then, because they said it would be there 'new home' if i remember rightly?


it's also apparent that there has been some aggressive posturing in other bjj threads, as jimanyjim predicted might happen here - do i detect a hint of trying to stir things up?


want2leran - interesting screen name - perhaps you should start with philosophy to help you understand the futility of your question, and then maybe the social sciences in order to learn how to better construct a more productive question? :hihi: in a later post bjjman (excellent post by the way)claims most of the posters here don't train at either club? does this include you? still 'homeless' after all this time?


chefkicker is right - best for what? all people can do is provide statistics (e.g. number of blue/purple belts, how often frequented by black belt instructors, ratio of instructors to students), but even then that doesn't provide the full picture. perhaps the clubs should carry out a customer satisfaction survey? it's also a case of best for who, which depends on indivdual requirements and practicalities.


it has been suggested that a blue belt can't teach as well as a blackbelt, which again has been discussed on another thread. borrowing from that, it is the case that the best sports person doesn't neccessarily make the best coach, and conversely a good coach wasn't necessairly the best player. take football as an example - think of the best players - pele, puskas, moore, cruyff, platini, etc. etc. - then compare them to the best coaches - not much crossover, and it's the case with all sports i can think of - tennis, golf, boxing...


i have trained in bjj, and i have trained under lagarto - he's without doubt the most spectacular and brilliantly skilled person i've seen for a longish period of time, but the best teacher i've ever had was a blue belt (now purple). being good at something suggests being able to apply knowledge - being able to teach indicates the ability to furnish others with that knoweldge, which means effectively communicating ones ideas - the two aren't the same. for example, i have had techniques demonstrated to me by blackbelts and not been able to apply them, but then a bluebelt at the same session has communicated the identical technique via a different method, and hey presto, got it! maybe that's down to me and not the blackbelt, but again it shows there's a lot more to good teaching than being able to do something.


hopefully looking forward to meeting some of you guys in the new year if i stay in sheffield for a while (the ones who train at the bjj clubs anyway) :hihi:

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