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Strines Road Murders!

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I am currently researching the old derelict house on strines road/mortimer road in derbyshire/sheffield. I have heard rumors that a man killed his family there but am not sure as to wether or not these rumors are true. I would appreciate any information that anyone can give me as to the history of the house as it could prove valuble to my ongoing research of properties in that area.





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Not to sure as to the year. I know the house has been empty for some time. THe rumour was that the father/husband killed his wife and children and then did a runner to france, ever since then the house has been empty. Rumour or fact?. Do you know of any Sheffield based archive that may be able to help?

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Originally posted by Noswal

Not to sure as to the year. I know the house has been empty for some time. THe rumour was that the father/husband killed his wife and children and then did a runner to france, ever since then the house has been empty. Rumour or fact?. Do you know of any Sheffield based archive that may be able to help?


The police!


While they probably wont post you a case file, it is possible that the case was notorious enough (if it is true) that someone is still remembers the gory details. If they don't help, you can bally well ask them why they have a link on their site to the Campaign for Freedom of Information.... :-)

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Originally posted by lucasdigital

The police!


While they probably wont post you a case file, it is possible that the case was notorious enough (if it is true) that someone is still remembers the gory details. If they don't help, you can bally well ask them why they have a link on their site to the Campaign for Freedom of Information.... :-)


Jeez.. please don't waste their time :roll:


Anyway, if it is the same person, yes there was a solicitor and he shot / stabbed the family and ended up the tower of Ruen Cathedral threatening to jump. Like most wife/child killers, he didn't have the guts so he was locked up.


Sugworth Hall? Ughill Hall? One or the the other.

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The murders occured in the mid 80's at Ughill Hall and were committed by a Sheffield Solicitor called Wood. He murdered his French wife and daughter and then fled to France. He then climbed up a cathedral and threatened to jump. The crowd that gathered, shouted encouragement once they recognised him :-)


Sadly he failed to jump and was extradited back to Great Britain. He was tried for the murders and was found guilty. He received a mandatory life sentence for what were horrific murders.


If you mail me off forum, I may be able to give a bit more assistance

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He also killed the nanny to.

It was at Ughill and the house has been converted to luxury flats.

There was a murder on the strines in the 1940s and the murderer broke into the Strines hotel and shot dead the owner.

He was eventually captured.

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Originally posted by Tony

Jeez.. please don't waste their time :roll:


Anyway, if it is the same person, yes there was a solicitor and he shot / stabbed the family and ended up the tower of Ruen Cathedral threatening to jump. Like most wife/child killers, he didn't have the guts so he was locked up.


Sugworth Hall? Ughill Hall? One or the the other.



I didn't mean call 999!!! There are half a dozen puplic relations/press officers. Though most of the people they talk to are journalists they are happy to respond to serious enquiries, say if you were writing that book on local crime...etc.

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