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Strines Road Murders!

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Thank you Grahame for your information.


My parents were on vacation with another couple. They stayed overnight in Paris before heading to the wine country for a canal barge trip. They ate supper at a restaurant, I don't know what its French name is but in English, it's something like "My Mother Elizabeth or Katherine".


My mother knows limited French but she had eaten there before and wanted some type of egg dish. When the meal came, it wasn't quite what she wanted; the egg was raw.

She was trying to convey the fact that she didn't want a raw egg on her meal when a very nice gentleman dining alone at the next table spoke up in French and cleared up the confusion.


That fellow was Ian Wood and all during dinner, they chatted with him. He told them that he was an English solicitor there on business and since my dad was in politics at the time, they exchanged business cards.


Before he left the restaurant, Ian Wood asked my mother if they would enjoy the rest of the bottle of wine that he'd ordered; very nice of him.

Even more amazing, when the four of them went to pay their bill, they were told that the Englishman had paid for their entire meal.


My parents left on their canal trip and two weeks later, they went to London for a few days. Once in the hotel, Mother turned on the TV and heard my Dad say, "Look at that, isn't the fellow we met in Paris?"

Indeed it was Ian Wood and he had murdered his live-in girlfriend and her little daughter only days after being so charming to my parents. Dad wondered if Wood still had his business card on him when he was arrested.


My mother remembers that the news reported that he had been in France to try to secure a divorce for his girlfriend but was unable to do so. Now that I know a bit more, I believe that he was in financial trouble and had run out of options; at least in his mind anyway.


Thanks for that Suz, what an interesting tale. I knew Ian Wood, not very well but well enough to have a conversation with him. The last time I saw him was in Hanrahans bar one lunchtime, he was having lunch on his own and we had a glass of wine together-he was waiting for Danielle (g/friend) who had an out patient appointment at the Hallamshire.


I was struck by how much weight he'd lost compared to the last time I'd seen him, he looked really fit and healthy and had lost the portly, corpulent look he'd had previously.


I'd agree with your parents, the bloke was always warm and engaging when I encountered him and I was in disbelief when I heard what had happened.

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  • 2 months later...

i did a year of teaching at myers grove 1988 to 89. so the terrible tragedy happened in the summer of 1988. colin lloyd was a friendly good looking energetic man, i think he was head of lower school. danielle was known to a friend of a friend, who said she was lovely, beautiful but carried a sadness about her. all i know is ian was in trouble big time for fraud. i think he meant to kill her, her and colin's children and then himself. only he could not. he had young children of his own at the time. the surviving child went to live with colin and his new partner who i believe had a child in 1989. there is no excuse for killing innocent people - sadly very occaisionally someone in deep trouble looses their mind - they may take their own life or they may take the lives of their loved ones as well.

does anyone remember the little boy who was murdered on the allotments at rivelin valley road by a myers pupil? i did not teach the little boy but he and his friend always used to open doors for me or want to help me carry things -so sweet.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Dear All


The vast majority of what has been posted here is incorrect. I particularly object to people who erroneously claim they knew my family or worked with them.


I am Ian Wood's daughter and am not on here to defend him. What I would ask is that people who are trying to rebuild their lives as a result of this vile crime are left in peace. Anyone who has a genuine reason for being interested in this horrific incident please PM me as it is insulting and silly the rubbish on here, and that this is gossip fodder.


To the people who claim to know us or have known us, it's a terrible shame you didn't come forward to offer your support at the time. I believe Ian received hundreds of letters of support.


I am not posting this to detract from what my father did. I am asking you to think before you post on a website.



Edited by Elly W
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He also killed the nanny to.

It was at Ughill and the house has been converted to luxury flats.

There was a murder on the strines in the 1940s and the murderer broke into the Strines hotel and shot dead the owner.

He was eventually captured.


Christ I didnt know that. That puts me about for reasons I wont say on here. Bit too close for comfort for me that....

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The Strines actually is my concern not the nanny. I am sorry to hear you are related to this guy I sincerely am but the sensationalism of these events will always take place. People cannot be blamed for discussing things like this and I am sure that somewhere in your life you gossip about the extraneous. Please dont be offended. Although I too wonder what the OP interest it is perhaps that like myself they just have an interest in history that extends to local history, or an interest in one of the properties

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The Strines actually is my concern not the nanny. I am sorry to hear you are related to this guy I sincerely am but the sensationalism of these events will always take place. People cannot be blamed for discussing things like this and I am sure that somewhere in your life you gossip about the extraneous. Please dont be offended. Although I too wonder what the OP interest it is perhaps that like myself they just have an interest in history that extends to local history, or an interest in one of the properties


Discuss, yes. Invent stories about it, no. Wasn't it bad enough? I'm stunned everyone had to get involved. Meeting someone once DOES NOT mean you are an expert in that person's behaviour. I from all of my heart ask you to leave us alone. If you still feel you need details please email me.

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  • 1 year later...

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