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What happened to the Duke of Darnall

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I am suprised that of the people that saw the Mayor 0f Darnall seem to remember his mode of dress,but no-one mentions his most striking feature, His yellow silk gloves I was driving taxi's of Fitzallen sq,and used to see a lot of him, but what did happen to him ??

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I saw him once directing traffic, somewhere it town ; forgotten the details now but this must have been about the late '40's or early '50's ?


It's strange to think that all those eccentric old characters probably had quite ordinary homes and names. Surely, someone on S.F. must have lived near him or know more about his life and death ?

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there was a very large painting at the bottom of the steps in the marples . there was the duke of darnall and pond street nora and the big woman that sold fruit from the barrow and loads of other well loved peolpe , i would l love to know where that painting went when they closed the marples as it was brilliant.

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there was a very large painting at the bottom of the steps in the marples . there was the duke of darnall and pond street nora and the big woman that sold fruit from the barrow and loads of other well loved peolpe , i would l love to know where that painting went when they closed the marples as it was brilliant.


I would also like to know what happened to the painting and I'd like to know if there are copies anywhere.

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On 20th century Sheffield history Joe Scarborough would be difficult to better, he is not hard to find as he lives on a narrow boat moored on the canal basin. I should know the answer to this as I know that my late grandfather did and was always ready to share his vast memory of Sheffield and it's past with anyone who was willing to listen.


Joe has been a bit ill of late, he lost his wife a few years ago and then started his new life on his boat. He is not a young man so if you want to know something you ought to do it quickly.

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For Bev 2 The other big womanwho sold fruit an veg of the " Barrer" was big Ada. She packed a punch. She had a shop on Hillsboro Close and sold flowers outside City Rd Cemetery on sundays she was a big girl


If I also recollect a very short man worked or had a barrow around the Dickson Lane area at this time.

I can remember going up the lane from the Corn Exchange. The Veg Wholesale market on the Right and the Rag & Tag on the Left, He had a barrow near the bottom of the hill. My father used to take me when he went to a Radio spares shop situated on the left hand side but before the Exchange Street junction. Can anyone remember? I'm recalling a time before the Corn Exchange fire.

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