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Kingdom - The Rumours Are True


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Lets face it kingdom needs more than a re-furb. First you need to chuck out all the joke sthat think its a good idea to start on someone 4 times their own size then you need to tell their dirty old slimey dads to follow them home and stop tryin it on with your bird or sister or whatever every time you go t the bar or toilet, then start varying the music a little bit more then maybe you can start to think about a re-furb.


I'll be honest i don't mind the club (apart from the carpet - tile it this time) its just half the people that are in the place that need personality re-furb.

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Twas a good night, great atmosphere... good all rounder :banana:



Hiya I went too, was quite good but found the DJ playing the same songs in the main room over and over quite annoying and requested a song which he promised to pay, then didn't... enjoyed it though.

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worrying thing is that all the good nightspots will be overrun with chavs for the next 6 months, can't wait!



By no means am I the biggest fan of Kingdom but don't label everyone that goes there 'chavs'... I know it's got a lot of them but just because people happen to like a bit of dance music doesn't mean we are chavs, just there was nowhere else to go really. I agree it had got well past it's sell-by-date, smelly and a bit boring. But why people think they are superior if they hate it I don't know... there are idiots everywhere.

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