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Advice on Overtraining


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I just need some quick advice about training if anybody can help me.


I currntly train 6 days a week. 2 of these days I go to the gym and lift weights, the other 4 days I box/kickboxing etc.


Could this be classed as overtraining? Do I need to have more rest days?


Any advice on the rule of thumb on how to avoid overtraining would be appreciated!!

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overtaraining syndrome pointers: lack of desire to train, continuously fatigued, decreased max. heartrate, susceptibility to ilness, moodswings, stress, increased resting heartrate, sleeping problems, lack of appetite.


any of the above?


also, do you feel you are making any progress with your training? overtaraining can also cause stagnation and lack of results or progress.


fitness can be many things, one of them being its' ability to recover from the stresses of training. it is only through proper rest, and correct nutrition, that the body then gains strength, speed etc from the training carried out.


rest doesn't mean doing nothing. just alternate hard (high intensity, heavy weight, speed work) days with easy (low intensity, light weight/high rep, long steady run) days. or alternate body areas ; arms one day, legs the next. alternating pure c.v days with strength days may also work.


training 6 days a week in itself is not a problem, i do it myself. just keep the intensities varied and if any of the symptoms listed at the top rear their heads, reduce the intensity of all sessions until you're back to normal.


good training!

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During hard training, you will often reach a stage to which if you continue to train at this intensity your training will begin to have negative effects. The only way to combat this is to monitor your body e.g. tiredness, fatigue, muscle soreness, and also to factor rest/recovery weeks into your training plan

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  • 5 years later...

I exercise 7 days a week

Went through 1.5 years when I was always ill Colds Cough Flu Sinus problems

I believe this was due to overtraining as I was lifting heavier weights and doing this every day

Since I weight train now every other day have not been ill!


The recovery period is very important and you should not exercise same muscle group for 48 hrs

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I just need some quick advice about training if anybody can help me.


I currntly train 6 days a week. 2 of these days I go to the gym and lift weights, the other 4 days I box/kickboxing etc.


Could this be classed as overtraining? Do I need to have more rest days?


Any advice on the rule of thumb on how to avoid overtraining would be appreciated!!


Have you checked out Marks daily apple? just discovered it myself.


It's quite good for over-training advice. I'd say colds and flu and little or no gains are classic symptoms of overtraining.


Also, your body is a machine like any other, your going to wear your joints out and have more injuries the longer and harder you train. I'd advocate HIIT, better technique and things of that nature over long sessions any day for these very reasons.

Especially as you get older!

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I think it depends what sort of training you do and what your goals are. I see plenty of people in the gym who weight-train for 2 hours a day, 7 days a week and wonder why they're not getting as big as the guys who do a 5 day split. Your body uses its rest days to heal itself and its during the healing process that your body builds the muscle and thus creates the desired effect (if that's what you're after).


As Markfor pointed out, if you're weight-training and looking for substantial gains then don't do it every day. However, if you cannot bring yourself to sit at home then other exercises and a good amount of cardio can help.


If you do take rest days though, just make sure you don't spend them eating junk-food and drinking beer :)

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