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Getting fit in the New Year!


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Are you a running club member? I've been trying to run for years, but I've never managed to run more than a 5k (and even then I'm almost dead at the end).


I keep getting all sorts of injuries meaning I have to give up. I'd love to join a running club that has a complete novices group. Does anyone know of one?


How much is membership of a running club btw?


I would really like to join a running club too but I'm really unfit at the moment. Let me know if you have any luck finding a club for novices. I want to do the sheffield half marathon next year

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  • 2 weeks later...
Want to lose about a stone and half before March! Going to start in January, no point before then! Any tips or advice on how to do it without feeling as though I am starving myself or going mad!


hi there, I don't know whether you would be interested but me and my sister are going to join slimming world. they meet on wednesdays at concord sport centre at 7pm. My mum has been going to a meet they have in hillsborough and has lost over 3 stone already and still determined to loose more!!


I haven't been weighed for ages so am really dreading getting on the scales, probably going to be just over 11 stone I think. you would definately be welcome to come with us, the more support the better. I know slimming clubs might not be everones cup of tea, it's definatly the first time I have considederd it, but at the moment I think it is what I need to get the motivation to loose the weight.

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Routine is the key whether its running cycling the gym or walking get into a routine of doing it even if its only twicw a week dont make excuses do it every week at that time once you have done this for a few months it then becomes more or less automatic.


Dont try to do to much to start with build up slowly and read up on stretching afterwards to reduce stifness.


It may cost more but in the midle of winter a gym may be the excercise you are most likely to stick to cause you cant use the weather as an excuse and its gareat for all over body fitness and toning.


Good luck

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I go to slimming world and think its brill!! i have lost dead on 3 stone, 2 stone of that in the last year and feel fantastic! finally gone below what i was before i had my litte girl. I also do step class, aerobics and running. The support you get from going to class keeps you on the straight and narrow instead of going it alone then giving up after a month or so.

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Follow the evil docs magic formula - eat fewer calories and expend more! If you wanna lose weight look at both sides of the food equation and try and take in fewer calories (specifically try and cut back on processed and sugary foodstuffs - but don't cut back a lot or your body will go into starvation mode and slow up your metabolism) and do a bit more exercise (the prime requirement for an exercise is it has to be something you enjoy or you won't keep it up!). This is one of the best one page healthy eating things I've seen in a long time :)

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Try Capoeira!


Lessons are held three times a week...


Mondays in Victoria Hall Norfolk Street from 6.30 - 8.00

Wednesdays in Crookesmoor Community Centre from 6.30 - 8.00

Saturdays in Brookhill Hall on Favell Road from 5.00 - 6.30


You don't need any previous expreience of martial arts or to have a certain level of fitness, you'll learn coordination, how to defend yourself, and you'll have fun and make friends i personally guarantee it!


Visit our website cdonotts.co.uk for more info...

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Eat more celery - you burn more calories in the act of chewing and digesting than is provided by the food itself.


Negative calorie equity, bit dull though, try combining your celerey-eating with another activity such as attempting to catch a chicken. This worked for Rocky Balboa in Rocky 1. He went on to become heavyweight champion of the world. If he'd have eaten more celery he could have taken the middleweight crown too. He did punch meat too though.


Hope this helps.

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Hi there


Why not try my circuit training class for one of your exercise sessions? Every Thursday, 7-8 pm, Hillsborough Park Sports Arena, Middlewood Road. There's a different exercise every minute so you won't get bored and there's a great bunch of people come. Exercise should be fun and this class certainly is. Only £3.00 per session or £10.00 if you book for 4 sessions.

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