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Dark init down pit

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Have took the kids down Caphouse a time or two, they wernt so keen but I loved it.


All the stories that my grandad had told me suddenly came to life when I could see the thing he was talking about.


His favorite was the story of his first day at work, he was told to sit by an air door and open it when he heard something coming then shut it again. After an hour or so a miner came out of the dark and took grandad's lamp off him as his own had gone out.


So grandad sat there for the rest of the shift with no light. He told me it was the darkest black he had ever seen, and no matter how tight I shut my eyes I would never see it in my life time.


Here we are twenty years or so latter, his industry wiped out and I finaly get to see an "air door" and how dark it gets but not in a working pit , in a museum !!


I only wish grandad had still been here so I could share this with him.

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:rolleyes: yes indeed times sure have changed, for the worst,i started with the then NCB. in 1964 at 15, as you say the expierience of being underground is unreal. your grandad was spot on about the dark, we during our training had to turn off lights and make our way in the right direction to a point that sempt a mile away, but it wasn,t. going down on the cage was in its self an exp at around 40/50 mph,made your ears pop,not like pack house 2 mph.........could go on all day but...........thanks 4 the reply
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Dont know if you can help but the other week I put a thread on this part of the forum and the wanted section, looking for ex- miners. I was after information on lighting a lamp.


Ive got, what I think is a side lit lamp, which Ive been told needs a battery to start it then it runs on the oil in the tank under it.


Try a search on the wanted section, I think I called the thread " are there any miners out there" or something to that effect.


Any information would be great.

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  • 1 year later...
Originally posted by hj dary

Dont know if you can help but the other week I put a thread on this part of the forum and the wanted section, looking for ex- miners. I was after information on lighting a lamp.


Ive got, what I think is a side lit lamp, which Ive been told needs a battery to start it then it runs on the oil in the tank under it.


Try a search on the wanted section, I think I called the thread " are there any miners out there" or something to that effect.


Any information would be great.

as i remember only the deputies were allowed to re light lamps, have you got the key for it, im not certain but i dont think they had batteries,cant be sure though as i wasnt allowed near one
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hi ya cheeky boy

i worked down the coal min for nearly 20 years ive seen some nasty accidents down there too grusome for a family forum like this it was hard work but a great set of work mates you will never find in other industries we worked hard and played hard in those days ive also been to caphouse took my dad and he did not know how we managed in the confined space we had to work in but i would do it all again good money not so good for your health tho with all that dust about and injuries what you cast off as minor at the time but suffer from in later years oh what i wuold give to be 20 again :D

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