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Dark init down pit

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i started in 65,at 15, orgreave colliery,where did you train ? treeton ?


i worked on top till i was old enough to go underground,worked on haulage and belt maintainance,ive still got my tally and my underground certificate......


Hi Depoix/ I worked on the haulage around 1964 and may have left before you started? Do you remember any of the guys who worked the pit top? On the shakers there was a big guy with a moustache and always wore a beret - Walter was his name. There was a skinny little irishman too - I think his name was (of course) Mick. The foreman was another skinny little guy called Bill - always wore a flat cap. There was an older very amiable guy called Bill that also worked the shakers. There was a guy called Ray - reddish hair and moustache who was the underbanksman and he worked with a big thick set guy with dark curly hair and a large head - can't remember his name. The tipplers were worked by a heavy guy with a handlebar moustache who always had an unlit sherlock holmes type in his mouth - can't recall his name. Everyone used to try to work the crossovers which was considered an easy one. Do you remember any of these guys??

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