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Egg Box building (Town Hall extention)- Was it so awful?

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Originally posted by Abdul

I hope that's because you've erased the memory from your mind ;)


Seriously though, when I had to pay my council tax in there the ground floor was dark and gloomy.


And as for the public access toliets...they were in such a state of disrepair, I'm amazed they worked. I'd like to see environmental health take a look in their own back yard :D



I see your point Abdul. I remember going in to pay my council tax, it was certainly gloomy and drab inside.


However, {drifting off his own topic} they had the town planners model of the city centre which was fab to look at. I suspect they use a 3D CAD model these day. I think the model is now in the old town hall.

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It wasn't awful at all, just a very different space. Much greener, with lots of nice flower beds and trees.


There was a tall, maybe 10 foot, wall along the back edge of the Pinstone St pavement that made it a little oasis from the street, and the bus shelters were made of wood.


Ah yes... and a dozen drunks most of the day. :)


There was actually a Newbury Bypass style tree top protest when the time came to cut down the trees for the new Peace Garden work.

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Originally posted by markham

Try these links.


The first one is an awesome photo of the present gardens, the second is one from before the revamp.






cant see much but thanks anyway:thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Abdul

Sure, the egg-box looked exciting from the outside...but did anyone who mourns its passing ever go inside


I've never been to prison, but if I did, I imagine it wouldn't look any different to that place.


The inside was dark and gloomy; the toilets were absolutely filthy.


I love Sheffield history as much as the next person, but I'm glad to see the back of the old thing.

i got married in there december 94

divorced now lol:P :P :P :P :P :P :P

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Originally posted by panda79

i got married in there december 94

divorced now lol:P :P :P :P :P :P :P


that is puzzling, panda,


the register office has only just transferred into the town hall, and has never been in the egg-box. are you confusing it with the "wedding cake " building?



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Originally posted by Tony

It wasn't awful at all, just a very different space. Much greener, with lots of nice flower beds and trees.


There was a tall, maybe 10 foot, wall along the back edge of the Pinstone St pavement that made it a little oasis from the street, and the bus shelters were made of wood.


Ah yes... and a dozen drunks most of the day. :)


There was actually a Newbury Bypass style tree top protest when the time came to cut down the trees for the new Peace Garden work.


Tony, I was one of the protesters who were there, me in my wheelchair....


I was interviewed for calendar news and everything. (however the beggars edited my comments and made it look as if I was saying something I wasn't.)


I was not a treetop protester, naturally, as my chair would not get up there, but, meh!


I was part of the protest, as I was Horrified at the arbitrary way the mature trees were being riped out,: I was ofended because a lot of the trees were planted in memoriam to things like the hiroshima victims, and the korean war veterans, amongst others.


I felt that the trees could have been taken up with the roots intact, and that the trees could have been resited, within the redeveloped gardens


The original plans had hardly any green space in them:- the design was a stone-and-concrete dust bowl


I am glad that they have increased the graseed areas as it is much fresher.


I liked the amount of green-ness there was in the old peace gardens, and i ws not happy to see the green space lost. I also did not like the plans for teh sunken area, as I felt that the steps would discourage elderly and disabled people from using the gardens.


I also felt that there could have been a sense of feeling trapped in the sunken area too, and that there was not a good "escape route" if there was trouble, and someone was scared of getting attacked.


I think that they do look quite pretty, now; much better than the original plans.


However,in all honesty, I do not feel as tempted to stop, and sit a while, these days as much as it felt inviting to do so in their "old " (1970's/80's) format. (maybe that's because of the lack of seats compared to the old design, i don' know)



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A mate of mine worked as a bricklayer when building the egg box and drove a dumper truck into the footings.

They were unable to get it out and so it was left there as part of the foundations.

Wonder if the demolision guys managed to get it and if so would be a good museum peice.

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