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Your opinions on Mental Illness

Are people with mental illness treated with the compassion they deserve ?  

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  1. 1. Are people with mental illness treated with the compassion they deserve ?

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...My doctor says I am clinically depressed but won't give me medication as she says a good walk and getting out will do me more good....



Presumably she recommended counselling? If not, get an appointment to see a differnt doc sharpish. Drugs can be useful for treating the symptoms of depression but they can't deal with the cause.


Sorry to hear about the job situation but it's one of those weird things: the more you need a job, the less chance you have of succeeding at interview.

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My doctor says I am clinically depressed but won't give me medication as she says a good walk and getting out will do me more good.


Your doctor sounds like a right merchant banker - go and find another one!! Seriously, her attitude sounds one up from "pull yourself together".


When all you can bloody do with yourself is sit on the sofa and snivel (as I've done in the past) then nobody but a total moron would expect you to be able to find the motivation to go for a good walk.


Anti-depressants/SSRIs like Prozac really can help some people. I'm one of them, without my Prozac I couldn't survive. I was dubious about taking them at first, because I thought they were tranquillisers, and I'd taken tranks for a short time once, and hated the "zombie" effect they had on me.


I've gone through patches of depression for as long as I can remember, some lasting a few months, others years. During the shorter phases, taking Prozac was enough to get me back "on balance" so that I could see things from a more rational and positive viewpoint. I have been lucky and had no side-effects and no problems coming off them once the depression had passed.


I had some counselling during my last long dose of depression, and that helped enormously. I've had counselling during my current 2 year stint and it seems to have done beggar all.


But do find yourself another doctor, one with proper understanding of what depression is about. They are not all experts, and I believe some of them think that depression isn't an illness at all! Bit like the idiot doctors who think that PMS is just something you have to put up with because you're a woman.



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There seems to be a stigma attached to mental illness and it's almost a taboo in our society. I have suffered with mild depression on and off during the course of my life and that has put me in a position, I feel, to understand and be more compassionate about such issues. At end of the day, the reason mental health issues are throwned upon is cos people just don't understand and until then, maybe we will continue to be seen as life's odd balls.

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and what if tablets and therapy just won't work!!


It's taken 15 years to settle me in the right drug combination and therapy and it still might not work in another 6 months I do tend to become imune so to speak.

Therapy works, medication works, It takes alot of time, that you won't get back, to find what works for you.

The thing with therapy is that it won't work untill you let it work. It's just words, how can that help?

It only works when you want it to and when you are ready. It sounds like you have got to the state where you have given up on anything being able to help you, whilst you are like this therapy is very unlikely to do you much good and medication could be a useful tool to get you back to a level where you might feel strong enough to help yourself with the therapy process.

What medication have you been prescribed, if thats not to personal?

Has your doctor ever tried you on Citalopram? It is really good for depression and anxiety and in my experience has far less side effects than prozac or seroxat.

Different drugs work on different people, If you are showing no improvement after say 6 weeks its time to try a different dose or medication.

This really doesn't help, I know, but you have to help yourself before anybody else can make a difference. At present all people can offer is tea and sympathy.

One of the best things you can do, and I have mentioned this to you on another thread, is take somebody who knows you and your situation to the GP with you. They might be able to explain things for you that you struggle with and they can support you and ask questions for you if you feel anxious and unable.

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Presumably she recommended counselling? If not, get an appointment to see a differnt doc sharpish. Drugs can be useful for treating the symptoms of depression but they can't deal with the cause.


Sorry to hear about the job situation but it's one of those weird things: the more you need a job, the less chance you have of succeeding at interview.


Thanks guy's. I might do that. She told me that medication can take 3-4 months to have an effect and if my circumstances changed in that time that I would be better anyway. Her criteria for depression seemed to be whether I was suicidal or not. I am not, so her advice was no alcohol as it is a depressant, a good walk or other exercise everyday and St John's wort.

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Thanks guy's. I might do that. She told me that medication can take 3-4 months to have an effect and if my circumstances changed in that time that I would be better anyway. Her criteria for depression seemed to be whether I was suicidal or not. I am not, so her advice was no alcohol as it is a depressant, a good walk or other exercise everyday and St John's wort.


:loopy: My doctor told me it was weeks - max of about 6 (I think) before the Prozac kicked in, not 3-4 months.


Most "normal" doctors tend to think it's a good idea to treat depression BEFORE the patient becomes suicidal.



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I did wonder if counselling would help as my circumstances are that in the last 2 years I was made redundant from a job I loved, mum died unexpectedly, because dad has alzheimers never really grieved properly as the emphasis had to be looking after him, he is getting worse, sometimes doesn't even know who I am, lost a best friend to cancer and I have also had 3 car accidents (none of which were my fault but each time was badly shaken.) My doctor says I have just had an unlucky (!) 2 years and will feel better when my circumstances change. I think I may see another GP and see if they will refer me for counselling.


Thanks for your advice.

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I did wonder if counselling would help as my circumstances are that in the last 2 years I was made redundant from a job I loved, mum died unexpectedly, because dad has alzheimers never really grieved properly as the emphasis had to be looking after him, he is getting worse, sometimes doesn't even know who I am, lost a best friend to cancer and I have also had 3 car accidents (none of which were my fault but each time was badly shaken.) My doctor says I have just had an unlucky (!) 2 years and will feel better when my circumstances change. I think I may see another GP and see if they will refer me for counselling.


Thanks for your advice.


Your GP surgery should have a list of counsellors, just ask reception for contact details, although you may need an appointment I'm not sure. If nothing really changes with your first counsellor, go back and arrange to see a different one; it's very much a question of horses for courses and whether personalities click or not.

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It's taken 15 years to settle me in the right drug combination and therapy and it still might not work in another 6 months I do tend to become imune so to speak.

Therapy works, medication works, It takes alot of time, that you won't get back, to find what works for you.

The thing with therapy is that it won't work untill you let it work. It's just words, how can that help?

It only works when you want it to and when you are ready. It sounds like you have got to the state where you have given up on anything being able to help you, whilst you are like this therapy is very unlikely to do you much good and medication could be a useful tool to get you back to a level where you might feel strong enough to help yourself with the therapy process.

What medication have you been prescribed, if thats not to personal?

Has your doctor ever tried you on Citalopram? It is really good for depression and anxiety and in my experience has far less side effects than prozac or seroxat.

Different drugs work on different people, If you are showing no improvement after say 6 weeks its time to try a different dose or medication.

This really doesn't help, I know, but you have to help yourself before anybody else can make a difference. At present all people can offer is tea and sympathy.

One of the best things you can do, and I have mentioned this to you on another thread, is take somebody who knows you and your situation to the GP with you. They might be able to explain things for you that you struggle with and they can support you and ask questions for you if you feel anxious and unable.


I thank you for your kind works. Sadly (which is what is getting me down) I don't really think anyone ever gets the fact that I have more or less tried EVERYTHING.

You mention medication. I have been on medication for 5 years. I started with citalopram, which didn't work one bit. Moved on to effexor, same story. Tried Prozac I suffered from terrible side effects for weeks, and now on dosulepin which doesn't help either.

I have helped myself plenty and until last year was trying to be positive. I still am, and refuse to sit at home and moan. Every single time i go out I'm ill. Take today. Town. All was ok, and halfway through our time spent in the library and felt terrible. Nauseated (as in I was near sure i was going to throw up) light headed, cold/warm at the same time etc... Had to rush back to the car. It's just getting worse. I've been to CBT, just had 10s of sessions with my hypnotherapist and NOTHING has helped 1%. And believe me when you're desperate to get better you believe in it. It just hasn't helped.GP's I've seen 10s of them too, with my girlfriend. They're no help either. See how I feel? Where can I now turn?

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