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Advice please on prams/beds for Newborn and 2yr old


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Due in July and Mo will be nearly two then. Currently we have Mo in his own room/nursery in a cot bed and he has a huge pram, a buggy and a lightweight summer buggy. When the baby comes, where do i put him? In the nursery? or the spare room (currently full of my clothes, bed and computer) if i put it in nursery in Mo's cot bed-where do i put Mo? In a big boy bed in spare room? and what pram do i get (gees another?) All the prams i see are for twins. I hear buggy boards are pants and pods ruin ur pram.

Hubby thinks new baby should have Mos room, but is this fair to kick him out? although i really dont want to have to do another nursery


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well, if you're not going to have the new miniyou in your bedroom, and do decide to put him/her in Mo's room instead, then I think you should make a big deal of making Mo's new room his as soon as possible so that he doesn't think he's being pushed out to make way. Probably a good time to get a bigger bed, too, when you put him in his new room - I hear it helps minimise any possesiveness (sp?) if you dismantle the current cot and hide it for a while before resurrecting it for the new sprog. When you do, if Mo notices it, make sure you say "oh, do you remember that bed? that used to be yours when you were a little boy".


anyway, much to my irritation (as the youngest child) i think in general the youngest child gets the smallest room. as for prams and stuff - not got the first idea!

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Not all double are for twins. The McLaren umbrella folds are ok for different ages but I don't they're great for chunkier kids. By that I mean the ones who are big for their age or especially overweight. The reason for that is that it's 73cm wide which fits through a standard doorway. So, although very good and easy to fold, don't take much room in the boot etc, not as comfy for the older child, unless they are small/petite/slim.

We've also got Kingswood side by side which I love but is wider than a standard doorway, no good for pushing into the house but great in Meadowhall.

The tandem style ones are hard work, the front seat is for the bigger/older child and it makes it the devils own work to lift up steps/kerbs, plus the one behind gets bored rigid cos they can't see much. We've got one but only for getting to the garage from the house because the gate to our garden is so skinny, it stays in the garage while we're out.

Could you perhaps consider a buggy board for your older child? There's a new seat thing which you can attach too but no idea where you get them from.

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We have a tandem and the youngest loves it, no visibility problems. It also took her car seat when she was smaller. She likes being in the same pram as her brother. But the front is heavy now R is nearly 4! As I think you live in a similar area to me you would be welcome to try out our tandem buggy to see if they are for you. I dont think your eldest is ready for a buggy board. Some children might be at that age, but even at 3, R is a bit too silly for one.

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My eldest was almost 4 when the youngest was born, and the little one stayed in our room for the first 6 months (due to him needing feeds every 2-3 hours). When he stopped night feeds, we moved him into his big brother's room. They are 8 and 4 now and are still together. I'm now wondering if they will ever sleep in a room on their own!


At almost 2, Mo will be getting ready for a big boy's bed (my eldest tipped himself head first out of his cot a month before his 2nd birthday and I never put him in again), so it may be an idea to start preparing him for it now.


I hated the buggy board. I'm 5'9" and tend to take long strides. The buggy board prevented this and I kept falling over it, much to my eldest son's amusement. It would also mean that Mo would have to spend long periods standing and that is difficult for a 2 year old.

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when or daughter was born we put our older son in to the spare room did it out with space theme and a big boy bed, but we did it 2 months before baby was born.

We then switched the accessories to make the nursery more girlie, and all was well.

As for pram we had a graco tandem for our 3rd to 5th children was fab as long as you have a car as it was rather heavy. Good luck HTH

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I am also dealing with a newborn and a two year old. (a little bit of experience) I have a moses basket in our bedroom for night time feeds, saves having two little ones awake at night, and we are going to buy a big boy bed (toddler bed) for the 2 year old and put the baby at aprox 3-6 months in the cot bed, with them sharing a room, it helps them share and get along better. (experience talking again 11,7 year old boys too) BUT the pushchair thing i am having trouble with, we bought a large 3 weeler tandem, but my small 2 year old is to heavy and i canot push t up hill (we live on a very large hill) so currently i am looking at a cracco duet lit3 because we have one in a buggy and the newborn in a sling, pretty groovy pouch sling. but if its raining we are a bit stuck. hope som of this helps.

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buggy board is really no good yet as thw 2 year old still occasionally falls asleep in the buggy, he would fall off, oh and in the shops a two year old on the loose is a nightmare, you either have to leave the baby to get the toddle when he runs off or leave the toddler and stay with the baby, its a nightmare why do we have kids with small age gaps, my first ones were better 4 and 5 year gaps. at school or excellent walkers.

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What about a sling ?


That way you can carry one child either the 2 year old when he is tired or the newborn and the other child can use a pram/buggy.


If you had the strength you could carry them both, but that might be a tad impractical. ;)

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