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Sciatica advice sought

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Just looking for abit of advice,

My wife has been suffering with really bad sciatica and it doesnt seem to be easing. Does anyone know of any treatment or methods to ease the pain, as we are going away in a few weeks and I don't want her to be in pain.


Thank You


I presume she seen a Doctor about it ?

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As a follow sufferer, I understand her pain :(


Frustratingly, there seems very little that you can do to ease the pain, apart from strong painkillers and hot baths...my pain is so bad sometimes I can barely walk.



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Tell me about it Gazza, her pain threshold is normally very good but this has knocked her for 6


I had it bad a number of years ago and had quite a few visits to the hospital physio for core stability exercises, they told me the routines and most of them were done at home.

Have a search for core stability online. Some will need a big exercise ball , they are very gentle movements but the results were good with very little effort and also had a lasting effect on me. It must be 5 years and it has not recurred.


Best of luck and please ask if you have any questions.

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I have not been diagnosed with this but I am sure this is what I am suffering with. I have had lower back pain for couple of years made worse when walking up or down hill. I am now having pains in tops of legs and its really painful at times.

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I have not been diagnosed with this but I am sure this is what I am suffering with. I have had lower back pain for couple of years made worse when walking up or down hill. I am now having pains in tops of legs and its really painful at times.


That sounds like how mine started, eventually I managed to get my back x-rayed and found I had osteoarthritis in my lower spine. Because of this my spine was out of line and was effecting the big nerve that goes down the leg, hence the sciatica.


My job involved a lot of heavy lifting and I was retired on health grounds after 40yrs service.

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I believe that there are a number of causes of sciatic pain,but in my case having tried the doctors ,painkillers and physio,I obtained virtually immediate relief after being directed by my physio to an osteopath.

The back ache and muscle spasms improved in hours and the residual sciatic pain down my leg and shins disappeared in weeks.

Unfortunately my first practitioner is no longer about,but Mark Wilcox at Wainwrights Therapy centre on Kenwood Rd has sorted me out on a couple of occasions,following a recurrence having overdone it playing sport or lifting.

My first bout came out of the blue and was attributed to the amount of driving I was doing,but that was some 30 years ago and I now know where to go if I have any problems.

I thought it was the best money I have spent,and if you are in the Westfield scheme a fair part of your costs are covered.

One recommendation that I was given by both was rest and ice packs rather than hot water bottles,and it works for me.....mid sixties and enjoying gardening,bowling and badminton.

I wish you well as it is painful and does get you down.

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What worked for me:

- flat on back for several weeks

- physio clinic's advice on posture, sleeping position (crucially, avoid foetal position on-side with top knee closer to chest than bottom knee). In recent times, a "bad back" returned (with new mattress) and went away after a while with new mattress mark2 so the bed you sleep on makes a difference.

- osteo manipulation, useful but gave short term relief only

- lastly drugs to dull the pain I.e. treat the symptoms but leave the cause.

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