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Sciatica advice sought

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Just looking for abit of advice,

My wife has been suffering with really bad sciatica and it doesnt seem to be easing. Does anyone know of any treatment or methods to ease the pain, as we are going away in a few weeks and I don't want her to be in pain.


Thank You


To start, don't waste your time with the NHS, they are useless, after 3 years of pain and many many visits to the hospital quacks, my wife went to a private physiotherapist, and with a combination of acupuncture and mobilisations over six weeks the pain had gone and she can once again bend over and touch her toes.

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I get pins n needles, mainly in my left arm. I try to exercise my body, circuit training or the gym, and it does seem better.

I put it down to bad posture. I have had it before, but it came back a little over a month ago. I need to get back into regular exercise, that should cure it.

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To start, don't waste your time with the NHS, they are useless, after 3 years of pain and many many visits to the hospital quacks.


The NHS were absolutely fine with me, it completely depends on which doctor you get of course, so sweeping generalisations are no use to anyone.


The first time I had sciatica I ended up with several weeks off work as I found sitting absolute agony. The only thing that eased it for me was walking. Boy, did I walk..... I don't think there's a road in a 3 mile radius of here that I didn't get a really good look at.

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Whoever is saying that there is little that works clearly hasn't yet found the things that work!


I've had sciatica for over 20 years now and I can tell you that there are lots of things that work, from osteopathy to ice packs and lots of different sorts of exercises including postural exercises and specific yoga poses.


Please don't just take painkillers and expect them to work without actually addressing the cause of the sciatica, which is compression of the sciatic nerve in the lower back. Find a good osteopath (I'm happy to recommend Lisa Halse, who works out of the Lodge House in Walkley and the Stillpoint Practice on Montgomery Road and who has maintained my ailing spine for the last 22 years) and then put in the work to follow their advice, do the exercises and sit, lie and walk in the way that they recommend.


For most people it is possible to heal back injuries. I was extremely unlucky that the first instance of back pain I had was a sign of serious abnormalities that couldn't be fixed, but most people can have major improvements really quite quickly, so please don't just take painkillers and expect the problems to sort themselves out. Learning how to live your life in a more back friendly way is a very good investment for your future :)

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Thanks guys for all your advice you have all been very helpful.

My wife has been doing some of the things that has been suggested by you guys, and now she seems to be getting about a bit better, i know it's going to take time for her to get better and we are going to look into getting help with

Chiropractor, osteopath etc to see which one suits her the better.

Also a friend of mine suffered from Sciatica about 10yrs ago, and the surgeon told him to go swimming 3 times a week to help and it cured it, but the wife asked the GP about it and she advised not to go swimming

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