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Sciatica advice sought

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Thanks all for your replies, I appreciate it, Im having a brief respite at the moment hooray - but as its recurring im sure that all your suggestions will come in handy


Thanks again



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How about one of these?




I suffered 3 prolapsed vertibrae and was told by a consultant that I would have back pain and sciatica for life ... so I started to use one of these a couple of years after the injury and have not suffered with any real pain now for over 10 years (apart from the odd time when I have twisted my back and aggrivated it for a few days). It was a real help for me and I'd recommend one to anyone. Also it's good for giving you a decent posture.

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I suffer from it but it has been easier for the past year or so.


Driving any distance had me doubled up like a Elton John's boyfriend for ages afterwards. Boy did I feel stupid.


The only time I was not in any pain was when I went for gentle strolls - uphill, not downhill mind - and lying in bed was pure agony as my right leg felt as though a prize fighter was punching it.


Tried painkillers, anti-inflammatories, physiotherapy, but nothing worked.


The doctor asked me when was it least painful, so I told him that it eased whenever I was walking. His recommendation? Walk as much as you can!!!


Anyhow, it is easier and less frequent now, but I haven't got a clue why.:confused:

Edit: Forgot to put the 'd' in bed:rolleyes:

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Hi there,

Unfortunately there are lots of different types of back pain that can cause sciatica. It is always worth going to a specialist like an osteopath to have it looked at as you will get a diagnosis based on the sort of back pain you are suffering and treatment that with be suitable for it. Also useful for advice on what you should or shouldn't be doing, exercises if relevant and other forms of relief. Another reason is to rule out anything serious...

Some of the time heat can give some relief but generally ice is the better option.

Hope this helps.

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