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Sciatica advice sought

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I have suffered from Sciatica on and off for 7 painful years. I did go to the doctors initially, and he just prescribed painkillers, which do help in the short term. The only time I get upset by the pain, is when I have to get on my knees to take the washing/drying out of the machine, because of the pain in my buttocks and down my left leg, which leaves me virtually unable to bend. I will read this thread thouroughly to see if there are any solutions/tips to keep the pain at a minimum.



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I found losing weight, and doing similar exercises darkoak explained helped enormously. I also found swimming helped too ... as the muscles in my back were very sloppy.

best advice though is to go to your gp and ask them to refer you on to someone who can help, eg pysio

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I got sciatica in 2002 after a workplace accident, a disc slipped out and trapped my sciatic nerve, I tried physio,acupuncture etc, etc but nothing helped & I finished up in hospital twice because of the pain.

After trying everything I went into hospital and had the disc shaved so it was no longer pressing on the nerve, the severe pain has gone but I still get a toothache pain in my buttock & my left foot goes numb from time to time, because of the nerve damage.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Mart


Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I only just found your post. How's your sciatica? If you're still having problems, please give me a ring. I have a great deal of success in treating sciatica. One of my clients has even had surgery in the past, to no avail but the improvement I've given her is astonishing!


Here's my number: 0114 2811475, 07910 896477

web http://www.theandreatouch.com


I hope your problem's sorted but if not please call me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Years ago I was out running one morning, slipped and landed on my bum on teh edge of the kerb. A day later I had a dull pain stretching down from my lower back, through my buttock, and in to the top of my thigh. It sometimes stretched all the way down my leg to my calf muscles.


Not pleasant......anti-inflamatories did the trick, and since I had physiotherapy for another back problem I don't seem to have bene bothered by it again.

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Usually my sciatica starts with a one-sided lower back pain, and follows up with the feeling like one bum cheek is about to fall off. As it progresses you can trace a line down the outside of the leg as far as the outside of the ankle bone on the affected leg, then across the top of the foot, reaching as far as the upper surface of the big toe when it's really bad.


All of this pain can be accompanied by tingling or numbness in any of the areas supplied by the sciatic nerve on that side.


I've got one dead foot at the moment.

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