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Sciatica advice sought

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I have had sciatica now for 8 weeks, been signed off work, given pain killers, at first just ibuprofen, then co-codamol, now im on co-codamol, diclofenac and diazepam, also seen the physio (which is not helping - just seems to make it worse), my sister lent me her tens machine but this is not helping either, however tiger balm does give me some relief.

GP wont let me go back to work untill 'the pain is under control'!!

Not sure what is worse the pain in my back and leg, my knee givein out or how dopey I feel after taking my tablets.

Sorry this is probably not much help to you but it has made me feel a bit better.


Is tiger balm the stuff I keep seeing in Poundland and wondering what you'd use it for? If it is, I might try it myself. Does it smell, like some of that liniment stuff does? So sorry you're having such a bad time with it at the moment, I hope it will ease off soon.

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Yes it is and yes it does smell but it seems to help, you can buy it in some chemists and they charge about £5 for a small pot but the stuff from poundland is just as good (and not an expensive waste of money if it does not work for you) Thanks I hope it will ease off soon I want to go back to work

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  • 1 year later...



I was diagnosed Arthritis a few years ago and tried everything until a friend recommended Ayurveda (Ancient Indian alternative medicine).


I visitied this new place in Leicester - Kerala Ayurveda Centre keralaayurvedacentre.co.uk where an Ayurvedic doctor gave me a free consultation. He recommended that I have a weeks treatment. Not gaing much relief from my joint pains after a few days I was reluctant to go however they advised that I stuck to the diagnosed treatment course. After the 7 days treatment I felt a massive difference.


I would definately recommend you try this....good luck and hope this helps.

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Hi, I have been suffering with sciatica for the last few weeks now and taking all the medication i can for it.


Would anyone know of any ways of sorting out the nerve etc as its starting to get me down now and im sick of taking pills.


The doc says keep mobile as I am (even danced all night at Def Leppard gig), but im getting thoroughly peeved with limping for 5 minutes after ive sat down


So any ideas - ta Sal x:help:


I took the NSAIDs family of painkillers for a month (I was prescribed volterol, but ibuprofen works in a similar manner), even if the pain wasn't bad and it helped. The anti inflammatory action of the pain killers helped sort out what was causing the sciatica.


Just make sure that you do not have any pre-existing conditions effecting your stomach and gastro-intestinal tract such as ulcers etc, and make sure you take them on a full stomach.


I was also very careful how I slept as I used to wake with my back bent in very awkward ways.

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Hi, I have been suffering with sciatica for the last few weeks now and taking all the medication i can for it.


Would anyone know of any ways of sorting out the nerve etc as its starting to get me down now and im sick of taking pills.


The doc says keep mobile as I am (even danced all night at Def Leppard gig), but im getting thoroughly peeved with limping for 5 minutes after ive sat down


So any ideas - ta Sal x:help:

How bizarre. I have had the very same problem since last Thursday and it is killing me!

2 days ago whilst I was walking along the Rd, 2 women in a car stooped and asked me if I was OK and did I need a lift.

I didnt realise that I looked so bad!

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  • 6 months later...

Rivelin6 is currently laid up with severe sciatica. The pain was so much this morning that the emergency doctor had to be called out but he just prescribed stronger pain relief and a deep heat patch. She says the pain is worse than childbirth.

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Rivelin6 is currently laid up with severe sciatica. The pain was so much this morning that the emergency doctor had to be called out but he just prescribed stronger pain relief and a deep heat patch. She says the pain is worse than childbirth.


Be the best friend ever and get her booked in with Lisa Halse at the Lodge House on Howard Road, Walkley.


She's been my osteopath for the last 16 years (my back condition is one of the 'manage for life' ones) and I'd trust her ahead of any GP. The Lodge House is on 2345459.

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Rivelin6 is currently laid up with severe sciatica. The pain was so much this morning that the emergency doctor had to be called out but he just prescribed stronger pain relief and a deep heat patch. She says the pain is worse than childbirth.


Pass my sympathies on to Rivelin, it's no fun having sciatica pain.


I get it a lot, especially when there's rain on the way.


I find sitting in my shower, with the water quite hot, running onto the sore area of my back brings some relief, and helps me get moving when I'm all seized up.

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Despite this thread being 3 years old (couldn't work out what Def Leppard gig Grim Reaper was referring to till I finally noticed the date on the post!) I thought I'd add my experiences. Sciatica is a terrible, terrible pain - I once ended up with 4 weeks off work with it, the longest sick leave I've had by a mile. It reduced me to tears. The only real relief for the pain I found was walking. I walked miles each day. Sitting and lying down was agony every time. Warmth, as some people have said, was useful - wheat bags warmed and put on my hip and the back of my thigh.


I've found it flares up during periods of inactivity - school holidays when I'm not working is a danger time. Also long periods of driving, ie down to Cornwall, could cause it to start up again.


But Rivelin6 and all other sufferers on here have my sympathy. I think only another sufferer can appreciate just how intense that pain is.

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Despite this thread being 3 years old (couldn't work out what Def Leppard gig Grim Reaper was referring to till I finally noticed the date on the post!) I thought I'd add my experiences. Sciatica is a terrible, terrible pain - I once ended up with 4 weeks off work with it, the longest sick leave I've had by a mile. It reduced me to tears. The only real relief for the pain I found was walking. I walked miles each day. Sitting and lying down was agony every time. Warmth, as some people have said, was useful - wheat bags warmed and put on my hip and the back of my thigh.


I've found it flares up during periods of inactivity - school holidays when I'm not working is a danger time. Also long periods of driving, ie down to Cornwall, could cause it to start up again.


But Rivelin6 and all other sufferers on here have my sympathy. I think only another sufferer can appreciate just how intense that pain is.


Yes, it is a right beggar, isn't it? I find a nice hot water helps enormously, I sometimes end up walking round with one strapped to my back!


Taking a combination of ibuprofen (to relieve inflammation) and a paracetamol based painkiller can work well. Unfortunately, when I tried it, it set off my acid reflux something terrible. :hihi:


I've had some relief from using a TENS machine, but it doesn't always work.


I'd done some reading up on t'interweb and some places recommended getting one of those table things where you hang upside down by your ankles. It stretches the spine, which can help relieve the pressure which is causing the pain. It wasn't until after I'd bought it, and read the instructions, that I realised I couldn't use it because of the acid reflux!!

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