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Men in shorts

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In your personal life, in my worklife; shorts are not allowed.


So you want to campaign for a right to dress as you like, which overrides the conditions of your employment where they can ask you to dress in a certain way... If you don't like your workplace dress code, get another job, or start your own company.

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the conditions of your employment .


When people are getting heat stroke, its hot in my personal life and my work life.


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 12:20 ----------


Wear a skirt.:)


If pushed, I would, not working untill the schools go back in September, so it should be cooler.

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Last week I was on a tram going through Hillsborough and through the window I saw a big fat bloke wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and a pair of trainers (with socks) and he clearly couldn't care less what other people thought of him.


Sir, if you're reading this I salute you!


That in my opinion is the right attitude and there is far more wrong with the people who go through life disapproving of how others conduct themselves and limiting their own experiences of life for fear of what the sneering no-marks think.


Life is for living, get on with it because you'll be dead a long time.:)

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When people are getting heat stroke, its hot in my personal life and my work life.

If you're serious then that's a health and safety issue, not one to do with the dress code. Shorts won't do much to help you avoid heat stroke.


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 12:20 ----------



If pushed, I would, not working untill the schools go back in September, so it should be cooler.

So you're not suffering from heat stroke then?

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If you're serious then that's a health and safety issue, not one to do with the dress code. Shorts won't do much to help you avoid heat stroke.

So you're not suffering from heat stroke then?


Health n safety means that workers need to wear the apropriate clothing for the conditions, when the conditions in the UK are hotter than Miami !!!

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people should wear whatever they are comfortable wearing but too many are 'fashion victims', wearing something because it is fashionable or the trend and completely ignoring whether said item is body or age appropriate

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people should wear whatever they are comfortable wearing but too many are 'fashion victims', wearing something because it is fashionable or the trend and completely ignoring whether said item is body or age appropriate


Never been one for wearing "what's in vogue" always worn what was comfy,now as I march on in life in this weather I sit in the house with a pair of shorts & t-shirt on.


I used to like t-shirts with writing on them but as I approach going on for being older than my teeth, I tend to go for plan shirts. One thing I do hate to see is mutton, dressed up as lamb though.


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 14:27 ----------


That is quite ok, that you have that opinion. But banning people from wearing shorts on health n safety grounds is daft.




A school banning skirts, what ever next?


I think where H & S is concerned they have to look at the job if that's what you mean, lets face it in a steelworks it's not appropriate. I remember when I worked down the pit, even in winter we went underground in shorts & t-shirts mainly as the area we worked in was what is known as the return drift, which means where all the warm air come out and trust me it was very hot.


But if you worked in the Intake drift where cold air came in you dressed more appropriately, some office rules are ludicrous and while ever there is not an upper limit for temperature this battle will continue.


There is one for lower temperatures just not for hot yet, but you'd think that common sense would prevail. I have to admit I have seen blokes in bobble hats, big coats and alsorts now that is barmy.

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