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Lost WW1 medals, THOMAS WILSON, K.O.Y.L.I


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I know this is a long shot but who knows.... I'm trying to locate the medals of my Great Grand Father, THOMAS WILSON. They were sold off sometime in the past (1970's????) for beer money by an uniterested family member, and now i'm trying to find them. Apparently after the WW1, Thomas Wilson built a wooden display case containing his medals, a Princess Mary christmas gift tin, postcards and photos so i suppose it would make a nice collectable display that may be easier to find than individual medals.


Thomas Wilson

Number: 6949

Regiment: Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry K.O.Y.L.I

Rank: CPL- WO2


Any infomation would be greatly appreciated or of medal dealers in the Sheffield area.





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Don't know if the chap who runs this webby could help mate, http://www.northeastmedals.co.uk/191418/191418.htm


Or if you don't find the originals contact the KOYLI regimental place http://www.army.mod.uk/lightinfantry/history_traditions/county_regiments/koyli.htm to see if replacements can be obtained?


Good luck



ps/ another idea would be the Yorks n Lancs Museum in Rotherham http://www.rotherham.gov.uk/graphics/Learning/Museums/_YorkLancasterRegimentalMuseum.htm


York and Lancaster Regimental Museum

Walker Place


S65 1JH


telephone 01709 336633

fax 01709 823631



Open: Monday to Saturday 9.30 am to 5.00 pm


They may give you starting places (they might even have them in their own collection!!!??? :o

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Thanks for all your suggestions, it is very much appreciated and helpful. If i ever track them down i'll keep you informed.



I need to have 10 posts on this site before i can contact anyone. I'm doing my family tree at the moment and it would be great if you can offer any information.


Thanks again,



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