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Martial Arts - the best one for a new years resolution

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Why would t want to ???


it’s a self defense system

I know a lot of door people and that use wing chun very effectively.

Int more on how that art is trained some places look at the chi sau a little to much and forget about the practicality.

Mind that is the same with other arts.


Kung fu people just tend to see the forms and say its S###

Karate some people look at the points fighting a little to much

Freestyle look at the pulling to much

Tai Chi look at only the soft to much

Kickboxing look at the stood up to much

Judo look at the ground to much

TKD look at the kicks to much


And so on and so on

Its not the art it’s the way you apply it and train that makes it work for you.


if i forgot any style sorry but they are all as bad as each other at times ;-)

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Why would t want to ???


it’s a self defense system

I know a lot of door people and that use wing chun very effectively.

Int more on how that art is trained some places look at the chi sau a little to much and forget about the practicality.

Mind that is the same with other arts.


Kung fu people just tend to see the forms and say its S###

Karate some people look at the points fighting a little to much

Freestyle look at the pulling to much

Tai Chi look at only the soft to much

Kickboxing look at the stood up to much

Judo look at the ground to much

TKD look at the kicks to much


And so on and so on

Its not the art it’s the way you apply it and train that makes it work for you.


if i forgot any style sorry but they are all as bad as each other at times ;-)


But more to the point, which one would be best if you were attacked by a suicide-bombing polar bear?

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Got a client who is interested in Martial Arts, but which one?


He is a complete arse, and is unfit but us willing to give any style a go.


So come on you local clubs, where are you.


Please don't debate attacks by polar bears, suicide bombers etc...


I'd recomend Origami.


Now that reminds me, what about these bloody polar bear attacks that keep happening in Sheffield. i say send 'em back to the arctic circle where they come from......

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A forum on a kickboxing website...completly nuetral then? ;):thumbsup:


I hope that wasnt an attempt at sarcasm. :P


If you think your views are correct then whats stopping you from stating your views on our forum wether you do kickboxing or otherwise?


If your views make sense then by all means post them.

AFK members are a very open minded bunch , many of whom have trained extensively in other martial arts before deciding on kickboxing.


Go ahead and post Mr Dafoot!



Everyone welcome, such is the atmosphere at AFK!

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I hope that wasnt an attempt at sarcasm. :P

Just a bit of freindly ribbing :)


If you think your views are correct then whats stopping you from stating your views on our forum wether you do kickboxing or otherwise?

You make it sound like I have already disagreed with someone.


If your views make sense

They do from over here :)


Go ahead and post Mr Dafoot!


I've had a quick read already.

I may join in, but I already waste too much time on various forums...:rolleyes:

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Come on dont be a spoilsport, be an ambassador for your club and come and post. Its not like im asking you to get yourself or your students onto one of my night shows and last 3 rounds in the ring with a kickboxer :hihi:


No one is going to have a go at you if you talk about karate, i respect karate having done a bit myself.


Come and have a banter.

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