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Do men pull their weight around the house?

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Originally posted by t020

I'd never employ a cleaner. Not for financial reasons, but for privacy. Imagine being out at work and leaving your house in the hands of a cleaner! At the least they'd have a nosy through your stuff, at worst they would be thieving. Also, their cleaning standards probably wouldn't be up to those that I expect.

You could always install webcams and monitor him/her remotely plus make sure your crunchy socks are well hidden.


Seriously though, most cleaners from reputable firms are security vetted and if their standards were lower than yours you could simply change cleaners until you get one that suits.

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My Husband is one of the few men that does put in alot of hard work into the house, actually I find myself thinking that he is too good to be true sometimes - he does most of the cooking in the house - and he is a fantastic cook he looks after both my children when I need to go out shopping or to see friends - and he helps me out at the drop of a hat, all I need to do is ask! he does ironing, washing putting up shelfs making electrical stuff work like the video and the cable tv infact if anything screws up he seems to know how to fix it! infact it annoys me how he just seems to be perfect I know this sounds silly but I find myself trying to pick arguements with him to create some sort of friction in our relationship a change from the norm because to be honest it gets boring having the perfect partner I know it's hard to believe but, I've read some of the comments here and I think I just wish he would turn round to me from time to time and say no I am not going to do that! He just seems to do everything I say - which is so infuriating and he seems to just live his life for me and considers me in his every action I find it so boring!


Although alot of you are complaining about your men - believe me when it's at the opposite side of the spectrum it's even more annoying - stick with your lazy men i'm sure it's more fun!

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Tell you what, Blue, I'll trade you half of mine for half of yours...then we should get a better balance :lol:

I'm desperate for a random, outlandish act of love and thoughtfulness like chocolate or flowers...some hope. :?


Here's an example...

My beloved recently turned to me and said 'you know what, I'd love to take you to Rome for Valentines.' How lovely is that? How heartstoppingly sweet?

Only, in the very next breath he explained that the rugby was going to be in Rome and he was desperate to go and see it in person.

Leaving me to go and pull some young italian stud, I guess.:lol: :lol:

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Originally posted by blue

My boyfriend is one of the few men that does put in alot of hard work into the house, actually I find myself thinking that he is too good to be true sometimes - he does most of the cooking in the house - and he is a fantastic cook he looks after both my children when I need to go out shopping or to see friends - and he helps me out at the drop of a hat, all I need to do is ask! he does ironing, washing putting up shelfs making electrical stuff work like the video and the cable tv infact if anything screws up he seems to know how to fix it! infact it annoys me how he just seems to be perfect I know this sounds silly but I find myself trying to pick arguements with him to create some sort of friction in our relationship a change from the norm because to be honest it gets boring having the perfect partner I know it's hard to believe but, I've read some of the comments here and I think I just wish he would turn round to me from time to time and say no I am not going to do that! He just seems to do everything I say - which is so infuriating and he seems to just live his life for me and considers me in his every action I find it so boring! And I feel like I am just bossing him around all the time - and no matter how I try he never argues with me and when it's me at fault he always says hes sorry when it's not his fault and then goes and does something nice like buy me some flowers or chocolates - so, although alot of you are complaining about your men - believe me when it's at the opposite side of the spectrum it's even more annoying - stick with your lazy men i'm sure it's more fun!


You obviously didnt kiss enough frogs first otherwise you would have appreciated your prince more


Can I have him if you have finished with him? He sounds wonderful

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