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What exercises can I do to do the splits?

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Eighteen pints of stella, an icy night and smooth soled shoes.


Works every time.


Or a slippery dancefloor in Ayia Napa, about 35 units of alcohol, and thinking I can dance = me having very sore inner thighs for about 4 days :)


Just stick to plenty of stretching, holding each position for 30 seconds. It needs to be uncomfortable, but not stupidly painful.

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i have always had balistic flexibility but never really had any static flexibility, i too decided that i wasnted to be able to do the splits so to achieve this i used to stretch every morning and then at night i used to have a hot bath and stretch afterwards. i also trained twice a week in martial arts aswell. if u want to improve flexibility strength training and weight lifting should be kept to a minimum, this is because when you do strenght training you are building the muscle up in turn making it tighter and shorter which also makes the ligaments and tendons tighter aswell reducing flexibility. if you do weight train i recomend that u stretch for between 15 and 20 min afterwards.

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hi pretty_polly, yes i can still do the splits, to achieve the splits it only took me 7 weeks of training, but as i mentioned i am a martial artist and i belive that that helped, i did finid tho at the start of this year i started to train to compete in kickboxing competitions again and i found that the strength training did effect my flexibility but by stretching after doing strength training i found that i managed to keep my flexibility. if u are going to practice the splits warm up fully first and hold the stretch for between 20 and 30 seconds at a time, that will give all of the muscle fibers time to stretch fully. when u stand up tho dont rush ur self as by doing so the muscle may contract too fast and cause you an injury.

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