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Sheffield Half Marathon - May 20th 2007

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Well done to everyone who tool part or helped out again in this years 1/2 marathon. I consider it an event of which Sheffield can be justifiably proud.


I managed to finish in 1hr 31m, which I was quite proud of. Although I'm slightly ashamed to say that I was one of the runners who sprint finished!


I was particularly impressed with the level of organisation throughout the entire event and would like to say thank-you to all the stewards and people helping out on the water and sponge stops.


Of course there was very little local media coverage of the actual event which is a bit of a shame. I'm taking part in the Leeds 10k next month. I'm sure the local media will be swarming there. Not that Yorkshire media is Leeds-centric at all though....

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  • 4 weeks later...
no helpers no race,some of them were working for 6 hours on the day and many days before.


I agree,but I think a different T-shirt would be more appropriate.Don`t forget a lot of hours were put in by yourself & other runners.

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