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Sheffield Half Marathon - May 20th 2007

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My training is going typically slowly, only a month to go now!!!

I did 1.44 last year and am hoping to do under 1.40 this year.

Anyone any info on whether treadmill running isn't as effective as running outside?

Good running!


With a treadmill you are effectivley running on the spot also you dont go downhill on a treadmill.


I do use them I find them great for interval training as its very easy to control your workout however I think its critical to combine it with running outside I do all my long runs outside did a 14 mile on saturday I did around 141 last year and am looking for 1.30-1.35 this year.

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This is my first half -marathon at 69 so If I get round it will be great & if I get to the stadium before the sweep up bus comes I will be dead chuffed.:banana: :banana: :banana:



Good luck i'm sure you will beat the bus:) its a great atmosphere on the day

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This is my first half -marathon at 69 so If I get round it will be great & if I get to the stadium before the sweep up bus comes I will be dead chuffed.:banana: :banana: :banana:


Good luck mate.

I'm sure if you've done the training you'll love it.

Just remember that when you get to the stadium there is still a long way to run.

See you there.

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Advice required regarding running injury.


3 weeks of suffering a pulled hamstring, sore and tender, getting fed-up of the inaction and lack of jogging. Feels like all the passed months are now wasted.


So what's the best treatment or remedy and how can I get things going again. Looks like this year's run will be slower than last years after all - if at all that is :(


DAMN DAMN DAMN!! :rant::help::mad::gag::cry:


It's now 7 weeks since damaging the hamstring, how depressing it is. All that training down the pan.


Feeling the urge to get out there again, I tried a 10 minute trot last week and it ended up being an embarrasing hobble. Enough to make a grown man cry.


I think I'm still gonna have a go though - even if it means DNF.

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This year's half marathon will be the first time I have done any running at all so just hoping to finish! Training is going o.k. although I don't know if I will ever 'enjoy' running!

I'm a bit worried - i find it very hard to get going in the mornings so am feeling trepidation about the Sunday morning start - any advice on morning routines - when and what to eat etc, time to wake up? Transport? We are car-less and coming from Totley - what's the best way?

Thanks in anticipation!

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...any advice on morning routines - when and what to eat etc, time to wake up? ...

Thanks in anticipation!


Not sure what's the best way but I always try and fill up with pasta the night before, pop down to Boots for some of their gel food packets to suck on during the race and dextrose tablets before, drink water when you can and try some basic exercise before setting out.


What suits one might not suit another though. I'd be interested to hear other folks ideas too.

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This year's half marathon will be the first time I have done any running at all so just hoping to finish! Training is going o.k. although I don't know if I will ever 'enjoy' running!

I'm a bit worried - i find it very hard to get going in the mornings so am feeling trepidation about the Sunday morning start - any advice on morning routines - when and what to eat etc, time to wake up? Transport? We are car-less and coming from Totley - what's the best way?

Thanks in anticipation!


I wake up 2 hours before the start and drink some water and have some toast and banana.


I have another banana just before the start and keep drinking water.


I take a sports drink with me a top tip is not to just have water as you will probably find it really hard after an hour or so.

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I wake up 2 hours before the start and drink some water and have some toast and banana.


I have another banana just before the start and keep drinking water.


I take a sports drink with me a top tip is not to just have water as you will probably find it really hard after an hour or so.


Fudbeer - yes banana, I'd forgot to mention that, and Jaffa Cakes too. Don't overdo the water though, better with sports drink.(The poor guy from this years London marathon had drunk too much water apparently).

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