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An Infinite Number of Monkeys


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The statisticians tell us that if an infinite number of monkeys were given an infinite number of typewriters they could produce Shakespeare.


An even more amazing fact is that the Writing Group, with 100+ members who purport to have an interest in writing, has over Eighty members that haven’t submitted a story yet, or in some cases, even bothered to post anything on the Writers Forum that has now been in operation for six months.


To those people, and to all SF members that that are thinking of joining us I say this:


“Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.”

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The statisticians tell us that if an infinite number of monkeys were given an infinite number of typewriters they could produce Shakespeare.


An even more amazing fact is that the Writing Group, with 100+ members who purport to have an interest in writing, has over Eighty members that haven’t submitted a story yet, or in some cases, even bothered to post anything on the Writers Forum that has now been in operation for six months.


To those people, and to all SF members that that are thinking of joining us I say this:


“Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.”

Yes, where are you all. Happy New year, Mantaspook. :thumbsup:

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I would add to Mantaspook's comments to make it clear that, in using the word "Shine" the OP'er is in no way referring to the latter part of my username. :)


My personal thanks go out to those Writing Members who have contributed to the Group Server, and to the Group generally since its inception. :thumbsup:


If you are reading this Thread, have had a personal password issued to you, but haven't yet made any form of contribution to this Group, please see 2007 as a new opportunity to make a start. :)

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I would add to Mantaspook's comments to make it clear that, in using the word "Shine" the OP'er is in no way referring to the latter part of my username. :)


A common mistake when comparing two great philosophers. :D


I would also like to reiterate that Shoeshine should not be confused with Buddha, the full quotation is:



Live purely. Be quiet.

Do your work with mastery.

Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds!




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I do agree with Mantaspook on this one, well! I don’t know about the monkeys and who’s this Shakespeare?


Seriously, there are few good writers on here, but don’t let that intimidate you, they are here to help us, as they have helped me in the past.

There are lots of potential Comics, poets and writers out there, but when it comes to putting pen to paper are put off.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to cross your eyes and dot your tee’s “Err whatever”, after all most of us have a pseudo.

I write strictly for pleasure, though I have to admit the thought of a best seller has crossed my mind.


Coyleys mind drifts off to his favourite imagery world…….

He hears the loud banging on the door, reminiscent of the bailiff knock.

He gently fingers the dusty curtains and brushes the cobwebs away from the grimy window.

To be confronted by a horde of scantily clad young ladies, all brandishing his latest best seller and demanding his autograph in exchange for some virtuous favour.

His mind returns to reality as he gazes upon his wife Karen and thinks how beautiful she looks this morning in her newly acquired purple day glow curlers, the flirtatious way she rolls the park drive from one corner of her mouth to the other.


Karen notices his amorous vouloir and very provocatively extinguishes her dog end in the now empty mug of tea.

Then in the most seductive voice says;

“An what does tha think that doin with that then? Tha can just put that away, does tha think it’s thee birthday or sumat?”


“Eer!, no dear, but there’s only 2 months, 1 week and 2 days to go”

Replies Coyley , as he repositions his bottle bottom glasses, rearranges his manhood and limps off to the bathroom.

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Can you imagine how much dirt, noise, and space an infinite number of monkeys would take up / make?


OK, so ignoring the space issue ('cos an infinite number of monkeys would take up loads and loads of space (you'd not fit them all in my kitchen), they'd still be a stinky mess of simians!


Wouldn't want to be cleaning out that cage...

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Can you imagine how much dirt, noise, and space an infinite number of monkeys would take up / make?


I can, its about 40% less than what my two kids generate...


The statisticians tell us that if an infinite number of monkeys were given an infinite number of typewriters they could produce Shakespeare.


Admittedly you would first have to throw out the billions of pages of crap, random letters, monkey drool, the complete works of Jeffrey Archer and this guy. )

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Hey Coyleys, my wife says where did you get your amorous vouloir – she says she’s not seen one for ages and the last time she asked for one the bakery gave her croissants instead.


(Can I say croissants or have I just committed another moon related gaffe?)

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