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An Infinite Number of Monkeys


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The statisticians tell us that if an infinite number of monkeys were given an infinite number of typewriters they could produce Shakespeare.


I do hope that the truth behind this statement will be published in due course.


I might even do it myself...

(Hopman disappears to find sharp pencil and sheet of paper before putting on kettle. Sudden expletive suggests that kettle has fallen off when full of water.

A second attempt at afternoon coffee is made with the kettle positioned on a shelf.)


Watch for news of Schreckenbach's 1876 theory...

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I'm guilty has charged too and not wrote much over the last month of so, I am blaming it on the HUGE amount of DIY trying to get our house completed as it's already taken 2years!


More contributions will be sent...hopefully sooner, rather than later folks!


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