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Manor topics from 40's to the late 60's


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All my fasmily members lived at 52 so you were pritty close to them at 61.My Aunt Roslind remembers all the names you mention even though she was older than them.She recognises all you have said about that time.I am going to get her to come & view these comments tomorrow,so some more stuff should unfold.Nice to hear that pleasant memories return,it just needs the old grey matter stiring up.

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Hello Mack49.

My Grand dad was a grave digger at Handsworth cemetery,he had a family plot there (jobs had perks even then)& in a fashion, he dug his own grave, initially for his son then other members later & also eventually himself was buried there in the late 70's all in the same plot.57 sounds like you were just across the road.I will try to get Rosalind to clarify everything.Thanks

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Hi Mack49, you were next door but one so I think we would have knocked around in the same crowd at that time?

I'm not sure but think the Jolliff's may have been at 61 b4 us but I do recall my mum using the name. One incident sticks out in my mind when I was knocked down in the road outside our house by a couple of older guys on racing bikes! They were racing each other and I didn't look! Should have seen the shape of both their front wheels though! (not to mention little old me but no bones broken). By the way no offence intended re the "grumpy guy"...it was just a memory I have where he was getting a bit brassed off with us kids kicking the ball into the front garden and on the umpteenth time (he wasn't pleased) he kicked the ball onto the street.The football was closely followed by a carpet slipper sailing through the air which provided a bit of mirth for us tykes at the time. I can remember having a tin can with hot coals in it which you swung on a piece of wire.... Winter Warmer we called them....anyone else remember them?

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Hello Buster

Thank you for all your imput into these memories,Jonny german lived next door to my family,one of the older sisters still sees him occasionally in passing.Micheal Lowe also know as Michael Kelly to my Aunts, lived next door to Jonny German.Rosalind remembers the winter warmers + she also remembers the kids calling for her for snowball fights even though she was married & 20 years old of course she obliged.She also remembers David Bacon who was at 58,Winchurches opposite gennel possibly before you & a girl called Gloria you may know a Barbara Woolhouse ,although rosalind was little older than most of you she remembers some of the younger occupants of the street,also a grumpy old woman at the top of the gennell on Hastilar rd end called Mrs Whittam who had some nick names I believe

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Hi to all respondants to this thread, like you say Stovin it's amazing just how much one can recall... David Bacon, Barbara Woolhouse and Gillian Hardcastle are all names that seem familiar form that time. My two elder sisters may well have known Rosalind, Barbara and Gillian perhaps? (Margaret and Janet) would have been about 12 or 13 at that time.


Now I definitely remember the lady at the top of the gennill and sorry to say now that we put a couple of bangers up her drainpipe one bonfire night!

I had a Triang scooter which I was very proud of. The other type was a Mobo. I used to go all the way down POW rd to my Grannies in Darnall sometimes. Also remember putting pennies on the tramline at the end of Fairfax.....remember they used to come out all flat! I remember doing a stint at Sunday School just around the corner in POW rd but I never used to like it much!

One other incident that I remember was the German's getting burgled one night. They were pretty keen fishermen I think John's older brothers... anyway they broke in to the area at the back door and did pretty well for themselves.I think I am right in saying that one of German lads had a go but was given a bashing for his trouble. Anyone recall?

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Hi Buster

Just called my Aunt regarding your comments,she is still trying to work out who you are,you are obviously of the right era.Regarding the breakin she reckons they used a hand drill to drill several holes so they could put there hand through to open the porch door at the rear,she does not recall them getting clobbered though.One of the older brothers was Neville.I have left Rosalind in deep thought she is trying to remember your sisters,if she does not come up with any answers I will get in touch with some other members of our family & pick their brains.More info hopefully within the next 2 days

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