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Manor topics from 40's to the late 60's


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Hi Buster

Just called my Aunt regarding your comments,she is still trying to work out who you are,you are obviously of the right era.Regarding the breakin she reckons they used a hand drill to drill several holes so they could put there hand through to open the porch door at the rear,she does not recall them getting clobbered though.One of the older brothers was Neville.I have left Rosalind in deep thought she is trying to remember your sisters,if she does not come up with any answers I will get in touch with some other members of our family & pick their brains.More info hopefully within the next 2 days

HI,I'M the Bararbara that is mentioned,was friends with Rosalind,nice to hear familiar names mentioned ,brought back many memories,would be nice to hear from rosalind,as Iam in touch with some of her classmates

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Hello Buster

Thank you for all your imput into these memories,Jonny german lived next door to my family,one of the older sisters still sees him occasionally in passing.Micheal Lowe also know as Michael Kelly to my Aunts, lived next door to Jonny German.Rosalind remembers the winter warmers + she also remembers the kids calling for her for snowball fights even though she was married & 20 years old of course she obliged.She also remembers David Bacon who was at 58,Winchurches opposite gennel possibly before you & a girl called Gloria you may know a Barbara Woolhouse ,although rosalind was little older than most of you she remembers some of the younger occupants of the street,also a grumpy old woman at the top of the gennell on Hastilar rd end called Mrs Whittam who had some nick names I believe

the Gloria you mentioned was Gloria Rayner

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I used to live at 89 The Circle from 1947 till about 1951, my Father had an old ex WD Ford painted red delivering fruit and veg around the Manor and Littledale estates, there was anther identicle truck operated by a Mr Potter from Newhall Road and a guy with a horse and cart whos name I forget. It was very friendly competition, we all had diferent hours and we did Fairfax Road and all those parallel while the horse and cart guy did all the roads at right angles, it was easier for his horse as those raods were flatter.

I went to Pipworth from 1947 to 48, when I passed my 11+ I think there was only three of us passed that year, a lad called Redfern and my first and unrequited secret love Barbara Hibberd who lived in a private house on POW road, it was rumored that her family used cutlery.

In the spring of 1948, one of the kids from Pipworth was coming out at lunch time and decided to hitch a lift on a passing truck, as the truck picked up speed he fell off and it ran over his legs, a couple of weeks later I ended up in the next bed at the Childrens Hospital with appendicitis.

The Manor then was a law abiding lovely place to live, we had country next door, the fields that ran all the way down to Attercliffe, up to the Manor House and down to Wyborne, then there were the woods behind Pipworth that went on forever. The fields became The Littledale Estate and the woods were opencast mines and a concrete mixing operation.

We used to walk from The Circle to Ford and you hardly had to use any roads.

The only names I can remember were the Ogleys our neighbours I remeber when we moved in they were already in the house with a cup of tea mashed with a welcome. I had a particular friend who lived on Harbourugh Ave, their garden backed onto ours his name was Tony Etches, his Dad was a Fishmonger.

When I was living in the USA I came over on Holiday to show my wife where I had lived, we saw on the TV that night that the Police had declared it a no go area, I can't beleive they are the progeny of all the good decent hardworking people that I knew in that area, maybe ignorance is bliss and age begets cynicism.

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the Gloria you mentioned was Gloria Rayner


:) Thanks barbara for that Rosalind now remembers. I still have not managed to get her near my PC yet she still using clock work items although she has managed texting on her mobile.We will be in touch once I have managed to speak to all the sisters & also if any of them know anything about all the other threads added:)

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So many names I remember, I used to be friends with a Gillian Hardcastle at Prince Edward Juniors in the 60s. I recognise names Barbara Woolhouse, Mick Kelly, Hortons. I used to live round the corner on Queen Mary Road.
Hi thanks for the message from Rosalind,unable to send a private message back,thaks for the memories, I'm still in touch with Linda Meadows,Annette woodhouse,Kathleen Pitcher,Irene Turner,and Brian Worsnop, I do have some class photo's If she would like copies, some of us are meeting for lunch at Crystal peaks,in the near future ,she'd be more than welcome if she wants to join us.
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Hi thanks for the message from Rosalind,unable to send a private message back,thaks for the memories, I'm still in touch with Linda Meadows,Annette woodhouse,Kathleen Pitcher,Irene Turner,and Brian Worsnop, I do have some class photo's If she would like copies, some of us are meeting for lunch at Crystal peaks,in the near future ,she'd be more than welcome if she wants to join us.
this message is for Stovin
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Hi thanks for the message from Rosalind,unable to send a private message back,thaks for the memories, I'm still in touch with Linda Meadows,Annette woodhouse,Kathleen Pitcher,Irene Turner,and Brian Worsnop, I do have some class photo's If she would like copies, some of us are meeting for lunch at Crystal peaks,in the near future ,she'd be more than welcome if she wants to join us.

Can I come?

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I'm still in touch with Linda Meadows,Annette woodhouse,QUOTE]



Am I correct that Annette went to live abroad then came back? Am I thinking of the same Annette? I remember all these names but it was a long time ago, just that some names and some faces I seem to remember but putting the two together might be more difficult.

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