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Manor topics from 40's to the late 60's


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I lived at 137 Windy house Lane until 1946. I attended Stand House Junior and was in the St Swithuns' Church Choir. During the war years I remember going to a house where I understood 'Jacobite's or Recabite's' lived. What they were and I don't think I'll ever know!! The Manor Community Association on City Road put on operatic shows and at the Salvation Army Near Fredson Road, I'd often get a Baked Potato.

Not much, but a lot when you lived in a house where the Gas and Electric had been cut off for not paying the bill!!

Anyone else from the bottom of Windy house on the Forum?

Hewitt -Star - Denton - Eastwood - Gears - Cryer - Or the Cop. He who often gave me a clout for being naughty and sometimes told my mother to send me to bed and not let me outside until he came next day so I could apologies to him. My father was away fighting in the War as were many, many others. So a lot of my generation came from One Parent families but with out todays Social provisions.

(What would people make of that these days if it happened?)


Hi Albert did you know the Siddall's on Fitzhubert Road.

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